A New Ability

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Eve heard Adam cry out and she whimpered, tears streaming down her face.

"Let me go!" Eve shouted, pulling against Michael violently.

"We have to get out of here." Myrna said, her voice shaken.

"Michael, come on. Adam told us to." Ian said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No! We can't leave him!" Eve shouted.

"Alright." Michael said, sounding regretful.

"No! Please!" Eve shouted, her voice raw.

Michael started pulling her towards the exit door in the back and Eve was beside herself, utterly distraught.

'This can't be.....'

She simply couldn't believe he was gone. She wouldn't. But Michael was stronger than her and he was going to follow Adam's orders, even if he didn't want to.

Just when they were about to walk out of the building, the door to the front opened and they all froze, looking to see who it was.

Adam walked through the door, blood covering his neck and hands. His eyes were red and she could see tears streaking through the dirt on his face. They locked eyes and she could see the anguish in him. Eve's heart broke to see him like that, despite how relieved she was that he was alive.

Eve ripped Michael's hands off of her and he let her go. She ran to Adam and threw her arms around him, hugging him as she struggled to hold back more tears. Adam hugged her back, holding her tightly as her feet barely touched the ground.

They stood there like that for a long while, both of them filled with emotions and unable to speak. When they finally calmed down, Eve was set back down on her feet, though Adam did not let her go. She held his face in her hands, looking into his eyes. He gazed down at her, his face a mix of emotions.

"Where's Viktor?" She asked.

"......dead." He said, his voice barely a whisper.

Eve could see the guilt in his eyes and she knew it had not been easy for him. She remembered what Adam had told her about him and Viktor. She knew now that Adam had cared for Viktor.......and he had just killed him.

"I'm so sorry, Adam." She whispered softly.

He swallowed hard. "I'm the only one who should be sorry."

"Um.......guys, why are those Fallen still standing there?" Ian asked, looking out the door over Adam's shoulder.

Adam looked up at him, his expression unsurprised.

"Because I'm controlling them." He said simply.

Myrna's eyes widened and Michael stared at Adam in disbelief. Eve herself looked up at Adam in shock.

"You.....you took Viktor's powers?" Eve asked.

Adam nodded, though he didn't look pleased about it.

"Jesus Christ." Ian breathed.

"That will definitely come in handy." Myrna said.

Something in Eve snapped and she rounded on the woman, anger bubbling up inside her.

"That's enough. Everyone isn't a pawn you can use as you see fit, you heartless bitch." Eve snapped, glaring at Myrna.

Myrna looked like Eve had slapped her across the face.

"I didn't mean-" She began, but Eve didn't let her finish.

"You should be thanking him. You shunned him and others like him and he just saved your life because your plan failed." She spat.

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