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Eve pushed open the door and slammed it behind her, not caring if Adam had been there or not. She couldn't take this drama anymore and it was really starting to unnerve her. Adam was acting very selfish, not caring what kind of position this was putting her in.

Instead of waiting for him to come in, Eve went to the bathroom where she found that the shower had a tub. Drawing a bath, Eve sunk into the warm water, trying to relax herself.

After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door and Eve sighed, feeling annoyed.

"What?" She snapped.

"........I wanted to let you know I'm going downstairs to speak with Felix........please don't leave the room until I get back." Adam said after a moment.

Eve perked up, feeling surprised.

"I won't be gone long..........if anything happens to you, please just scream. I should be able to hear you." He said hesitantly.

She heard his footsteps retreat, then he was gone.


Adam walked down the stairs and towards Ian and Michael's room. When he arrived, he knocked on the door lightly. Someone inside told him to come in and he turned the door handle. Inside, he found Ian, Michael, Felix and one other man Adam did not recognize. They all looked up at him when he entered.

"Adam? Glad you could join us. Where's Eve?" Michael asked, sounding surprised.

"Mad at me." Adam replied, sounding bitter.

Ian chuckled. "I can't imagine you did anything to deserve it."

Adam glared at him.

"Your friends were just telling me about an ability you have. They said you acquired it from a Hybrid working for Cerus? I have to say, it is a little hard for me to believe." Felix said cautiously.

Adam looked at him.

"Why?" He asked.

Felix shrugged. "Controlling the Fallen with your mind? That would definitely be something we could use in the field, but it almost seems too good to be true."

"It's not. I had to kill my brother to get it. It was the only way I could save Eve." Adam said, his voice hard.

Felix glanced at Ian and Michael questioningly.

"The Hybrid's name was Viktor." Michael said quietly.

Felix stared at him, then glanced back at Adam.

"Viktor was your brother? And you killed him? How did you manage that?" Felix asked in disbelief.

Adam pulled one of the chairs away from the table and sat down, not looking at them.

"It's a long story. The point is I have it. What did you need me to do?" Adam asked impatiently.

Felix looked liked he wanted to press him further, then shook his head.

"First off, we would like to see a demonstration. Then, our tech expert would like examine the device-" Felix began, but Adam cut him off.

"No. I will demonstrate for you, but no one is going to look at the device. There is a reason Viktor was the only one Cerus allowed to have it, because it's dangerous." Adam said sternly.

Felix's eyes widened. "That technology could aid the resistance and possibly stop Cerus-"

"I said no." Adam said, his tone hard and icy.

"Adam-" Michael began, but Adam cut him off too.

"No, Michael. I will help as much as I can, but not this. Hate me if you want, but I'm not budging. You both should know better." He told them, his voice hard steel.

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