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When they made it to Rockford, they pulled off at a gas station towards the middle of town. There were a few Fallen hanging around near there, but Adam and the guys took care of them the old fashioned way since they were going to be there for a bit. Adam radioed David to let him know where they were, but there was no response.

They waited for about two hours, and at that point, everyone in the group was growing nervous. With everything going on and everyone after them, they really didn't have time to wait for David this long. The resistance was no doubt right behind them and Myrna would likely push her men to the brink to get Eve back. That wasn't even including Cerus which had been ominously quiet after Viktor died. Now they really had no way of knowing where they were at, what they were aware of, or who they were sending after them if any.

"Adam, I don't know how much longer we can wait." Ian said, looking around them warily.

Adam was silent, watching the side streets and off into the distance distractedly.

"Adam." Eve said, and he finally turned to look at her.

He sighed heavily, then nodded. They started to walk back to the car when they heard a familiar voice call from behind them.

"Sorry I'm late." David said, the group stopping to turn and look at him.

The older man had on travel gear with a backpack and a small pistol attached to his hip. When they saw him, he smiled at them warmly.

"I'm afraid I'm not fit for traveling on foot. It took me longer than expected to get here." He explained, coming to stand near them a few feet away.

"Why did you tell us not to go back to Navy Pier? And why are you here on foot?" Adam demanded, eyeing David cautiously.

David sighed. "I have a lot to tell you, but we shouldn't stay here. I know the resistance is after you all and so is Cerus."

"We've had a hard time trusting people lately. We trust you only because you haven't given us any reason not to, but I would advise you not to cross us, David. If your intentions are honest, you're welcome to travel with us." Adam told him.

David nodded. "A fair statement. Here, take my gun. You can check my bag, I promise I'm not carrying anything suspicious and you can even have my radio. I don't intend to betray you all."

David handed his things to Adam and he took it slowly, staring at David with uncertainty. Adam seemed to be ok with the gesture because he motioned towards the vehicle and they all made their way to it. Once they were inside, Ian looked over his shoulder towards David.

"Where to?" He asked.

"Wyoming." David said.

Everyone but Eve looked at him in shock and Ian shook his head.

"Are you serious?" Ian said incredulously.

"That's near a Cerus base, one of the biggest they have. Are you crazy?" Adam asked.

"I know, I'll explain everything." David said.

"You can start now." Michael said impatiently, frowning at David.

David sighed. "It's a long story, but here goes. When you left for the resistance, Viktor showed up at Navy Pier. There were several other Hybrid agents with him and they took the entire town hostage. Cerus now controls it as well as the people there. They made Jason talk and he willingly told them what they wanted to know. Apparently he had overheard Myrna talking to Eve and found out that she was immune. He told Cerus where you went and that's why Viktor came after you. I managed to get out just before they arrived and a contact I have inside said they know that Viktor is dead."

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