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Day 6

When Eve opened her eyes the next morning, the bed was empty next to her. Someone had put blankets over her body at some point while she slept and now the sun was up outside. It looked like late morning and she jumped out of bed, feeling annoyed that everyone had let her sleep in.

Eve dressed, brushing her hair quickly with her fingers before braiding it over one shoulder. After she was done, she opened the door and found the cabin empty. Confused, Eve made her way towards the front door and saw the SUV still parked in the gravel driveway. Seeing no one there, she walked to the back of the cabin where she noticed that there was a small lake. She wasn't sure how she had missed it before, but her thought process trailed off when she saw Adam standing on a small wooden dock that went out over the water. His back was turned to her and she stared, shocked that he was standing upright after what he went through yesterday.

Approaching the dock slowly, her eyes never left him. She felt guilt, uncertainty, and relief at seeing him up and walking around again. She could still see injuries partially healed on his arms and assumed that was the case everywhere else he had been hurt. She wasn't sure what she was going to say to him, but she wanted to at least apologize for getting him into that mess yesterday.

Just when her foot lifted to step onto the dock, Adam spoke without turning to face her.

"Why didn't you run like I told you to?" He asked, his tone icy.

Eve froze, putting both feet down on the first board of the dock, guilt bubbling up inside her.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn't made you go back there-" She began, but was cut off when Adam turned to look at her, his eyes furious.

"I don't give a damn about that. I agreed and I could have said no. That's not what I'm talking about. I told you to run. Why didn't you?" He demanded.

Eve felt stunned. "I know you told me to run. I didn't listen to you because......I thought you were going to die."

"And you thought I would want you to stay and get taken instead?" He asked as he began to walk towards her slowly.

Eve stayed where she was, but she licked her lips nervously.

"I wasn't thinking about what you wanted. I didn't want to just leave you to die." She defended herself, trying to not look intimidated by him.

He was getting closer with each step, not slowing down.

"You have no idea what kind of person Viktor is. If those other two Hybrids hadn't showed up when they did, you would be gone. I would rather you get away while I take the beating then let him catch you." He stopped just a few inches away, towering over her as anger seemed to emanate from him.

Eve glared at him, suddenly angry herself. "I didn't know you would survive. I shot Viktor. I fought him to try and save you. If you had simply told me that you could have lived through something like that, then I would have run away, but I wasn't going to leave you when I thought you were going to die. How was I going to make it out here without you?"

Adam was silent as he stared down at her. He didn't look as angry anymore, but he seemed to be pondering something.

"I'm really sorry, Adam. I know you don't care that you risked your life, but I do. I was so scared. I saw you on the ground covered in blood, Ian and Michael had to pull those Fallen off of you......I cried myself to sleep last night because I was so overwhelmed with guilt........and because I thought I had lost you yesterday. Even just thinking about it terrified me. Seeing you like that, beaten and bruised......I never want to see you like that again." She said quietly, tears spilling down her face.

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