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"Ahhh!" Adam yelled as he threw the chair across the room.

It smashed into the opposite wall, breaking into pieces from the force of the impact. Sighing heavily, Adam sat down on the mattress, putting his head in his hands. A moment later he heard a knock at the door, then whoever it was opened it when Adam didn't respond. He glanced up to see Ian and Michael walk in, David standing just outside in the hallway. They looked around the destroyed room in surprise, then glanced at him with concerned expressions.

"Jesus, Adam. What happened? Where's Eve?" Michael asked.

"She's gone. She went to turn herself into Cerus alone. She took the car and left while we were all sleeping." Adam said hoarsely, his emotions all over the place.

"Fuck me." Ian breathed, running a hand through his hair.

David walked into the room, looking at Adam.

"How do you know that's where she's going?" David asked.

Adam didn't answer. He just pointed to the note she had left for him on the table. David went and picked up up, then he started to read it out loud.

"Adam, I'm sorry for doing this. I know you weren't going to let me turn myself in to Cerus, so I've taken it upon myself to do this alone. Please understand that I had to do this. I'm sorry for taking the car, I needed to get to Wyoming fast and I couldn't have you following me. I'll find a way to get past security, I have a plan. In the meantime, I need your help. I need all of your guys help if this is going to work. I will find a way to get you a message. Please wait for my signal. I love you - Eve."

When David was finished reading, he lowered the letter slowly, staring blankly at the floor. The room was silent as they considered their situation. Adam was a mess inside. He was so angry, frustrated, hurt and......hopeless. He wondered if he had been too demanding when he told her she couldn't go last night. He regretted it now. It must have pushed her to go and do this on her own because she was afraid of what he would do. It made him hate himself for being controlling of her like that, for driving her to go so far as to deceive him in order to get away.

He ground his teeth, anger flaring up inside him.

"Alright. I guess we have no choice at this point. The best thing we can do for Eve is try and take down Cerus. Now that they have what they want, they won't be paying as much attention to us. We can plan our next move." David said, sounding optimistic.

"What is the plan?" Michael asked.

"We're going to need an army. That's where you come in, Adam." David said nonchalantly.

Adam looked up at him, wondering what idea the old man had in his head.


Eve was shown to a room within the building where she was asked to shower and dress in fresh clothes. The room locked from the outside, which she wasn't surprised about. What she was most interesting though was how they moved in and out of the doors. Each door that locked opened the same way. They all slid open and had no door handles, which meant someone or something else was controlling the doors. Eve just had to figure out what it is.


Day 19

The next morning, Eve was woken up by a guard and lead out of the building with Wade's penthouse in it to another matte black one with a sliding door. She was escorted inside where she met a women with short, curly brown hair and hazel eyes. She smiled at Eve when she walked in, the interior a black and white doctor's office.

"Welcome. Mr. Cerus informed us that you would be stopping by. My name is Melinda, I'm one of the physicians here at the Ayrknot base. I'm afraid our normal staff are out at the moment, but they will be back shortly. We weren't expecting you to visit." Melinda said, giving Eve another smile.

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