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"How's she doing?", Ran asked as Kakucho came out of the room, he was wiping his hands off on a hand-towel.

"She's fine. Just really stressed out and exhausted. That's all", the scarred boy said, throwing the towel into the clothes-bin before taking a seat next to the platinum-haired young man.

"Anything else?"


"Where?", Rindou asked his stare turning to stone as he was ready to go out and break some bones for the girl he treasured.

"Around her neck, legs, and hips. But its fading slowly..."

"Good, but who'd hurt her?"

"She seems like a ... lovely young lady, so there shouldn't me many who'd harm her", Mucho spoke with careful words, not risking to offend the Haitani brothers.

"Maybe those Toman fuckers?", Rin suspected, "I never liked those three."

"No. Pah and Peh might seem like rough and tough guys, but they'd never hurt a girl. Especially after knowing how they talk about Y/N. They love her. Mitsuya to, he has two younger sisters, he'd never even think about hurting a girl. And he's also completely in-love with her."

Mucho was defending the three founding members of their rival gang.

Shion glanced at the closed off room, "I'll be right back. Gotta piss."

With that the blonde young man got up and walked up to the closed off bedroom.

None of the heavenly kings even bat an eye at this, it wasn't unusual for Shion to disappear into the bathroom for half and hour at best.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep."

"What do you want?", Y/N barked at him, she sat up, covering herself with the soft blanket as she stared at the blonde man.

"You've been raped, right?"

"How do you know?"

"Easy, you have bruises on your neck and hips. And the only way for a girl to get such bruises is either to fall really badly six flight of stairs down, which I highly doubt by how gracefully you danced with Izana. Or you got raped, grabbed by the hips with no mercy, by several guys much larger and stronger than you. That's how, love."

"You're smarter than you look."

"Thank you?", Shion asked getting up and taking a strand of Y/N's hair in between his fingers, twirling it around, "You should let the black dye grow out. You look prettier with red."

Y/N just glanced at him with suspicious eyes.

"Tell anyone and you're dead meat", Y/N threatened him.


"Now to you three", Hawks spoke as he turned to look at the group of three boys in front of him.

The same as last time, the same three he had caught ... having fun ... in this alleyway.

"What?", the blonde one asked cheekily as he wiggled his eyebrows at the smaller one.

"Might wanna explain why you three were caught doing something very inappropriate in the shared-showers", Hawks stated.

"Why 's it a problems?", the smallest one asked.

"The problem is that this kind of thing is highly inappropriate and is considered harassment."

"Why? He enjoyed it", the tallest one stated.

"You see, you might have enjoyed it, but the other inmates sure as hell did not. It is very ... traumatic ... for other inmates to see one dropping the soap, and having anal sexual-intercourse with one another while moaning the most inappropriate things."

Hawks by now was completely done with everything.

Those three boys have done nothing but cause trouble at the juvie they were sent into.

Normally they'd have only been in there for about three days, but they caused so much trouble that they received a three-month sentence.

And ever since then they did nothing but idiotic actions.

And the most frequently thing they had done was have sex ... in the shared inmate showers.

The smallest one had dropped the soap and acted 'surprised' that when he went to pick it up (by the hips I'd like to mention), the blonde strawberry-boy had decided to penetrate his anus, moaning and having sex while the third one laughed and jerked off to it.

This has caused the other inmates to call the 'security' in who then separated the group and left all three in very ... interesting positions.

All three with obvious tents in their pants.

"You see, the problem is that we have inmates here that got in h because of killing or hurting people that abused and raped them. Haruki Hayashida for example. He's in here because he hurt the guy that raped his best-friend. So it can be triggering to those when you pretend to like being raped. Because if you pretend to cry out wolf, then the officers might look away when other inmates make your fantasy into a harsh and hurtful reality."



Author here!

Hello and welcome back my lovely readers!

So thank you all for your comments, I honestly love them! So as usual feel free to leave your ideas, thoughts, feedback and or questions on here!

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your author <3

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