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Mention of self-destructive actions

Surprisingly enough, Y/N had kept Baji around.

He was just the guy she needed all along.

Someone who joined her in her self destructive behavior, and does what she wants to for no reason.

And he even fucks the way she wants. She tells him to go rogue he will do so, if she tells him to take it slow he'll whine but do so.

Izana was ... too careful with her for her taste, she knew he did not want to hurt her but still, she needed to reassure him several times that doing certain things was more than okay for her.

Hawks also was too careful, he either let her do most work or do so that he'd have the most pleasure.

And Mitsuya. Mitsuya was such a gentle and soft guy.

And all three mentioned above were trying to change her.

Baji accepted her like she was.

Cleaning her wounds without trying to get her into therapy or get her to stop, supplying her with whatever she needed, new blades, weed, cigarettes, alcohol. He rather had her do things safely than ruin her future with UA, he didn't have a chance so he'd gladly do it for her.

And that also helped with Y/N's life, because in the eyes of Izana, Mitsuya, Hawks and everybody else who knew her she was finally getting better.

And today was no other, Baji laying in bed, fast asleep while Y/N was starring t the ceiling, cigarette dangling in between her fingers, arm placed over her stomach as she looked over at Baji who was laying on his back as well.

One arm under his pillow the other laying over his chest as the blanket just covered his manhood, one leg hanging out from the bed, his hair messily sprawled out.

Sleep seem to com so easy to him, but to Y/N on the other hand, she'd just lay awake for hours on end, not getting nearly as much sleep as she should be getting.

Once her cigarette was burnt out she smashed it onto her ashtray, letting out a little yelp as she felt Baji's arm sneaking over her and yanking her against his chest as he had turned onto his side, pressing Y/N tightly against himself.

Her back pressed to his chest as he buried his face in her hair, sniffing her new shampoo as he tightened his grip when she tried to get out.

"Mm... mine", he growled at her as he snuggled himself even more into the girl who laid there with open eyes.

It had been so long since she was held, she and Baji fucked almost daily, yes, but they never shared truly intimate moments like now.

Their kisses always heated and needy, never passionate or lovingly.

They fucked, didn't make love.

But Y/N enjoyed this, enjoyed the warmth she was given for once, the loving surroundings, the loving hold.

So she finally took a rest as some tears quietly escaped her usually cold eyes, grabbing onto Baji's arms as she snuggled herself even more into him.

"Y/N?", a third voice ripped the duo from their peaceful sleep.

"Shit", the girl cursed as she hurried up, throwing a slip dress over and collecting Baji's clothes before she threw them at him, "You need to leave. Now."

"Huh? Why?", Baji asked groggily, slowly putting his clothes back on.

"No time to explain", Y/N whispered yelled as she opened her window looking at the poison ivy that covered the wall by her window, "Hope you don't mind having a rash..."

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