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"You failed?"

"She was with one of her new friends", Rindo said as he threw his gloves down onto a table before plopping down on the couch next to it.

"So you still failed?", Mikey repeated himself as he turned to face his closest and best gang-members.

"...yes", Ran muttered with hesitation as he looked away from the younger boy.

"You will get her here and I don't care how long it takes you, or how many men she'll kill or hurt, she will be here. Understood?"


Why did they come back?

Ignored her for two fucking years and now, when her life is starting to get less shitty than before they come back to drag her back?!

Y/N didn't get it!

Her life was fine, it was perfectly fine! Then Makima came and her troubles with gangs started, then when Makima was ripped from her, her life just spiraled into a pit of nothing but pure despair. And once she had managed to pull through, managed to find a way to cope with everything that had been screwing her over, it was ripped from her again. Baji was ripped from her. And once she had managed to overcome that hellhole, Mikey just waltzed back into her life to ruin it.

She had done all to protect her loved ones. She shoved Mitsuya aside to not get him involved in things that could get his sisters killed. She kept her distance from Izana to keep him from insanity. She pushed her friends away to keep them safe! But when she had felt secure enough to try and rebuild these broken relationships, she was pushed away. Pushed away and ignored.

And now when she was fine again, they demanded to come back!?


"Goddamnit spunky get to bed already", the blonde boy groaned as he found the girl on the balcony smoking. He didn't like that habit but as long as she didn't actively smoked around him or his parents he was fine with it. So the moment that he had come outside to his friend, she put the cigarette out and gave the boy a weak smile, "Can't sleep Kat..."

"That's what happens when you eat too much sweets before going to bed", the blonde 'scolded' the girl as he ruffled her red hair. He had grown to like it a whole lot more. He had grown to like her a whole lot more.

He found her once eye-irritating annoying red hair to be a nice fiery color which represented her perfectly.
Her once weird eyes matched her abstract personality and gave her this surreal hint, something that wasn't quite bad.
He found her ice-cold hands to be quite cooling for his always too hot hands and body.
He found her raspy voice to sound calming and soothing.

Y/N had grown on Bakugo and Bakugo had grown on Y/N.

He understood her struggled.

He understood what it meant to have a dangerous quirk, knew what it meant to bear the responsibility to not hurt anybody, to not let your emotions get the better of you because they could have fatal consequences.
He himself had learnt that early on.

He tended to be so aggressive to keep people away of the nature of his quirk. Impulsive, loud and dangerous.

Y/N on the other hand, kept herself locked up, kept her walls up high to scare the people away from her and keep them safe from the nature of her quirk. Dark, bloody and dangerous.

"You miss then, huh?"


"Your old friends."

"Of course I do...I spent almost every-day of my life with them since I was a child, it's hard being away from them now."

"We can always sneak off to see them."

"Hawks would get mad at me-"

"So? Since when are you going to shy away from something just because something will get someone mad?"

Y/N gave Bakugo a weak smile as she leant against his shoulder.

"I just don't want to drag you into another mess. I tend to do that."

"Do what?"

"Drag the people I care about into a mess. And then they die."

"I won't die."

"That's what they always say... it's what Baji said, it's what Izzy said..."

"Wanna tell me about that Baji?"

Y/N smiled sadly as she started fidgeting with the necklace around her neck. She still had it, even two years later she still kept it on. She hadn't taken it off and refused to replace it.
Hawks had tried to get her to take it off and replace it with another necklace, but she had always refused.

"...I think I loved him. If I did, then he was my first true love...he was a lot like you actually. And I feel so fucking bad for it."

"For what?"

"The fact that you two are so similar, because of that I can't help but imagine him in your stead from time to time. I know that makes me a horrible girl, but ... but I cannot help it..."

"That doesn't make you horrible. If anything that makes you human", Bakugo reassured the girl who didn't dare meet his gaze, "If you managed to completely forget someone you loved then I'd consider you horrible. It's human to try and replace the void someone leaves."

Y/N gave Bakugo a weak smile as she touched her necklace once again, "He gave that to me. It was given to him by his mom. I haven't taken it off since. Not once since he gave it to me..."

The control-devil looked up at the sky, enjoying the cool breeze of the night.

"It suits you", the boy smiled as he touched the necklace.

All the girl could think about was how she didn't want to hurt the boy, didn't want to drag Bakugo with her down. By now she knew. Knew that she wouldn't get away from her life of crime, from the delinquents, from death. But she wouldn't drag Bakugo down with her. He had a future, he could make it big as a hero. He could surpass even All Might and Endeavor.

"Promise me something Kat..."

"What is it spunky?"

"Don't come searching for me."


"I will go back to them. I don't want to, but I know I will. But...But I don't want to drag you down with me. You'll be a great hero. Don't ruin your future by searching for me..."

"Don't say that shit", Bakugo grumbled as he glared at Y/N, "You won't fall into their hands, you have control over your power now. You won't fall prey to it. You won't go back to them. If you do I'll drag you back myself."

"You're sweet Kat."

"No I'm not. I'm gonna be the greatest Hero, but to be that I'll have to be greater than you! So don't disappear on me now, I still have to beat you to be greater than you!"

Y/N smiled through watery eyes as she hugged the blonde, "You will be greater than me one day."

Her words hit the blonde with a pang in his heart.



Author here and welcome back!

As usual please leave a vote and a comment with your thoughts, ideas, questions and general feedback on this chapter and book! And once again, as I noticed from some comments: this book has all warnings it need. I'm not forcing anyone to read it. Most of the TW scenes aren't as relevant to the book, it's good to know what happened to understand the ways that Y/N acts and is as a person, but you do not need to read the entire detail for Y/N's SA! Please if you cannot handle it or it triggers you, please don't read it for your own good. And I don't mean this to come off as rude or mean, but please let me know if I need to explain a bit further, I'd gladly do so!

Have a lovely day / night,
your author <3

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