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"My sweet, sweet Y/N. What do we owe the displeasure?", Shion asked with his known grin as the girl with a braid entered, his smile dropping as he saw how red underlined her eyes were.

"Izana will get mad if he sees you like this."

"Then he can suck my dick", Y/N spat as she put her bag down, taking off her jacket and ditching it onto her bench before she got into the ring, facing Shion.

"Sure you wanna go up against me?"

"I won once, I can win again", Y/N muttered, stretching, playing oblivious to Shion's gaze which travelled down her body and arms.

"If you say so", Shion muttered, taking his own stance opposite of the girl.

With that they started, fighting on parr until Y/N snapped her finger and Shion took to his knees.

"What the hell-"

"Our pact mad-dog", Y/N muttered as she stalked towards him, taking him out with one strong punch across his cheek.

"Good", Izana stated, and Y/N turned around to face the shirtless boy who was leaning against the elastic of the ring.

He was smiling at Y/N, loving how her gaze wandered over his own toned body.

Seems like not even she was invulnerable to his charms.

Izana Kurokawa brought every girl he met to their knees.
He is yet to meet one who won't fall.

"Thanks", Y/N muttered as she got under the elastics, taking a sip from her bottle of water, sitting on the bench as Izana took a seat next to her.

"What is it?", Y/N asked again as she noticed his gaze.

"Stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Cutting", Izana said as he took her arm into his hand, his thumb travelling over the fine lines which were now on her skin for eternity.


"You're so pretty. Don't make yourself ugly."

"I thought you said you always found me pretty. Even with my scars", Y/N muttered, her breath hitching as Izana brought her scars to his lips, gracefully placing little kisses on her scars.

"I still think you and your scars are beautiful", Izana spoke, "But don't think you can ruin your beauty by adding scars. Don't try to make yourself ugly in societies standards."

Y/N stayed quiet, watching as Izana caressed and kissed her scars with such love.

He truly was the only one to never hurt or betray her. And she was gripping onto him for dear life. She didn't know what she'd do without him.

And Kisaki was planning on ripping it all away from her.


"What are you scheming Kisaki?", Mikey asked the younger boy who looked up at the blonde.

"Nothing. Why do you ask Mikey-kun?"

"You're planning something, what is it?"

"How to make Toman stronger."

"Why would we need to be stronger? Toman is already at the top", Mikey spoke with a bright smile and Kisaki shook his head.

"Some members think Toman has become a ... disgrace now that Valhalla joined. They think you're going against your own principles by letting them in after what they have done."

Mikey stared off, his smile having dropped by now. He knew and was waiting for fighting back against his decision with Valhalla, but it was necessary, to widen the grasp of his arms and the reach of Toman.

"I don't care. It was what's best for Toman", he spoke and Kisaki nodded, slowly but surely Mikey was falling into his trap.

"Do you want to hear my thoughts?"

"Sure", Mikey spoke and Kisaki got up, walking towards Mikey, placing a hand onto his shoulder.

"Talk with the demon-lady, with Y/N. Get her back onto your side. Get back onto her good side. If not destroy her. If she can't compromise she'll have to be gone from our problems. We can't have a girl causing problems within Toman now can we?"

Mikey nodded, "You're right, but Baji loved her. I can't hurt her."

"Baji is gone now Mikey. He left Toman because of her."

"He didn't. He left because I let you into Toman. He doesn't accept any change. And he died on that hill."

"He accepted Y/N into his life. He was open for change, just not with you. He betrayed you and Toman for a girl."

Mikey nodded slowly, Kisaki gave all of these sudden changes a good reason.

"You're right Kisaki", Mikey spoke as he sent a text out before leaving to get home.

The tension was gloomy as the two teens stood opposite from each other. Mikey leaning against his bike, for once not munching on a dorayaki, instead a grim look painted his usually soft features. He was wearing his Toman uniform with pride as he watched Y/N with careful eyes.

The girl stood across from him, still in a plain black dress with non-see through tights, and her pair of bright red combat boots. Her hair now finally long enough for it to fall over her shoulder when it was braided. Inspecting her nails as she paid no mind to the boy.

"Now why the fuck do you want me here, midget?"

"Watch your tone sugar-queen", Mikey spat, arms crossed over his chest.

"I don't have an obligation to be here fuckface, so keep it short or I'm leaving", Y/N spoke with a scowl on her face, a scowl which was returned by the boy.

"I want you in Toman."

At this the girl let out a snort, as she started hollering around, holding her stomach as she wiped off a tear, "Don't be ridiculous. You hate me."

"My men don't. And I want what's best for Toman. So Join us. Join me."

"Over my cold and dead body."

"You're the only girl I've ever offered this. A place in Toman. A place by my side in my gang."

Y/N stared into Mikey's eyes, looking for a joke or any indicator that he was lying.


"Baji loved you.-"

"He did not."

"He did", Mikey stated as he looked at his hands, balling them into fists before he continued, "My men respect you, so I want you in my gang. By my side."

"By your side or under you?"

"I am the leader of Toman. No one is my equal."

"Too bad then", Y/N huffed, "You see, I don't do this inferior stuff. I am superior to everyone. So I defiantly won't be taking a place underneath you and that shit-faced freak."



Author here <3

Hello and welcome back to this rather short chapter, maybe I'll update another one, but it depends on school as of right now.

Anyways, so as usually please tell me your thoughts, ideas, any questions and general feedback. I'm always happy to answer!

Have a lovely day / night,
stay tuned,
your author <3

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