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Short warning at the start: From now on my stories / chapters in here can and most probably will take a darker turn (more gore, crimes, SA, etc.) so please just be prepared and don't force yourselves to read if you don't want to. If it'll make you guys more comfortable I'll mark each Paragraph so you'll know which are considered TW. Tell me if you'd like that more than just marking the chapter as TW as I've done till' now!
Anyways have fun reading! 

"Why did ya' wanna meet up now?"

"You remember our promise?"

"What do you mean bird-brain?"

"I am not joking Touya. I am being serious."

"It's Dabi now. And get to the point. Calling me out here at this hour. You must be a madman."

The two young men were standing across from each other.

On the shadow-engulfed side stood the villain, freshly black dyed hair, staples, burn marks, a plain black leather jacket, black slightly ripped jeans and a plain white T-shirt.

On the moon-light side stood the young hero, still in hero-costume, in all his might and pride.

"I met her again."


"Yeah, she's living alone, and keeps to herself now, and delinquents."

"Where did you meet her?"

"I found her, abandoned in an alleyway, hands tied together, underwear missing, raped."

"She's fourteen right?"

"Turned fifteen last week."

"How's the little doll doing now?"

"Better from what I've managed to see."

"Huh?", Dabi asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Her home is completely shut off from the world. The door is never open, no window in the lower floors are ever open or give you a look inside. I've only managed to see sneak peeks through her bedroom window, and even that is always a gamble of luck, whether or not you'll be able to see inside."

"Secretive much?"

"Seems like she doesn't want something to be found out."

"You said that she was raped? Maybe she's just paranoid or afraid of those people finding her?"

"No. She was already like that before. But now I'll ask you for a favor, Touya."

"Fuck my life. What do you want me to do this time? I'm not committing arson for you again."

"Not specifically arson. Plus you owe me big times. Don't forget our deal. Anyways, I want you to hunt those scumbags down, I'll give you as much info as possible, but I want you to burn them, maybe kill a few just to send a message. Got it hot-stuff?"

"Don't call me that birdie."

"What? Hawk got your tongue?"

"I will burn yours out if you don't stop calling me that dumb nickname."

"What nickname? Hot-stuff?"

Dabi just rolled his eyes at the snickering blonde hero.

"Do we have a deal?", Hawks then asked to which Dabi groaned but nodded, "Yeah. But you're getting rid of the remains and make sure the Popo ain't coming after me."

"Don't I always do that?"

With that the young men left their little meet-up-spot to each go to their own homes.

MyHeroAcademia x TokyoRev. x Makima! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now