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Mention of rape / bodily harm, mention of usage of drugs

"What do you two shit-heads want?", Y/N barked at the two brothers who were standing by her front-door, barely covered in Hawk's shirt, exposing just her face to the infamous duo.

"We got some new info about Valhalla. Can we come in and talk?"

"Fuck no. You can tell me right now-", before Y/N could finish her sentence she was cut off by the creaking coming from the tiles of her floors and a groggily deep voice calling out.

"Is somebody at the door angel?"

"Who's that?", the brothers asked in union, Ran slightly pushing the door open to get a view of the person, correction, the man being with their treasured little Chucky.

"Nobody", Y/N hissed at them, trying to shut the door close into their faces, to no avail.

"You can't lie to us Chucky", Rindo stated, "Now who's that boy?"

"He's not a boy", Y/N muttered, "Leave now. I'll text you later."

"Hmm... No."

Ran stated, pushing the door all the way open, letting himself and his brother in.

Y/N started muttering curses behind them, following them into the kitchen where a shirtless, boxers' wearing young pro-hero was leaning against the counter, munching away on a toast with butter and honey.

"Who are you t-", before the blonde could finish his sentence he was cut off by Ran pulling out his baton, pointing it at the other boy.

"The fuck did you do to my little Chucky?"

"Chucky? As in 'Chucky the Murder-Doll'?", Hawks asked, his morning brain not processing anything.

Completely ignoring the threat the infamous Haitani brothers from Roppongi posed.

"He's talking about that little devil, you moron", the younger brother explained, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Hawks reminded him of his very own older brother when he was sleepy.

"HeY!", Y/N called out, pinching Rindu's sleeve.

"Oh zip it", Rin said affectionately.

"Also why does it smell like weed in here?", Rindo continued his sentence, recognizing the scent of the smokable plant.

"Don't tell me you smoked weed?", Ran asked, dropping his arm with the baton as he turned around to look at Y/N, "You're too young for weed-"

"Says you."

"This isn't about me", Ran defended himself, "Is this guy your dealer?"

"Yes, in fact", Hawks answered, plucking a few loose feathers from his wings.

"Don't you know she's 15?"

"Yeah? Trust me I was doing much worse at 15-"

"You're a hero", Y/N stated.

"So? I was still a 15 year old teenage boy."

"Disgusting", Y/N muttered at Hawks' cocky smirk as he winked at her, Ran rolled his eyes.

"Okay enough of this. You leave", he pointed at the hero who shrugged, "Unless my little angle wants me to leave, I'm staying right here."


"A-A-A! Language", Ran reprimanded his younger brother.

"Are you idiots going to leave soon?", Y/N asked, peeling a bit dirt out form underneath her finger-nail, her nail-polish was almost entirely off, she'd have to get them dome again.

"No. There are important things we need to discuss with you."


"About something a hero should not know."

"You don't gotta worry about me. I ain't a snitch", Hawks muttered.

"Still. You're a hero."

"And I should arrest all of you, including myself", Hawks answered, "Look at me. I'm like what? A year or two older than you, Wednesday-Addams, I gave an underage girl, a minor, drugs, and had sex with her. I should be in jail. You two, Haitani brothers, should also be in jail. I'm not snitching if you're not snitching."

"He's got a point Aniki", Rindo muttered, taking a seat next to Y/N, this caused Ran to sigh, closing the door behind himself and getting himself a glass of water.

"The battle has been announced", Ran started, looking at the girl that was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over her chest, Hawks, stood across from Ran, leaning against the kitchen-isle, arms also crossed over his muscular chest, Rindo was the only one sitting, legs kicked up onto the stone-plate of the isle.

The boy with two braids glanced at the hero before he continued, letting his eyes trail back to the girl, "It's a pretty big thing. Toman is fighting another gang, for the first time. The last time something like this has happened was when the founders faced Shion and the ninth generation of the Black Dragons. And now Toman is facing Valhalla, all of Toman against all of Valhalla."

"Seems like a pretty big spectacle", Hawks threw in.

"It is", Y/N answered, "Toman has 120 men, Valhalla has 300."

"Toman is fucked."

"Toman has the Invincible Mikey", Rindo answered, "Toman has got some monsters. The founders of Toman, defeated the Black Dragons on their own."

"Which generation?"

"The ninth."

"The ninth generation was weak", Hawks stated.

"The ninths generation might have been weak, but only compared to the first generation."

"Of course, nobody could rival the Black Dragons during their prime."

Y/N watched the interaction, "Toman also has Mucho."

"Yeah. Mucho's a beast", Ran stated with a little chuckle, "The odds are against Toman, but if all founders are prese-"

"They aren't. Pah is in jail, Peh is under house-arrest, Baji has left. Three guys with monster strength down."

"But there are still Draken, Mikey and the others. Still a chance for them to win."

Y/N started chewing on her lower lip, pushing herself away from the wall and walking towards Ran, "You two will be present right?"

"Of course. Something like the fight on Halloween will go down in history."

"If anything happens. If Toman is about to lose, I want you two to get in between."

"Why? If we help Toman, Izana will not be happy", Rindo muttered.

"Unless you want Valhalla to win? Do you want the gang of my rapist to win?"

"Of course not, but if we received orders from Izana to overview. To watch-"

"Izana also instructed you to protect me. All men of Tenjiku are to protect me if danger seems to approach. Am I wrong?"

"Of course not, bu-"

"If Toman loses, Hanma has his eyes on me. And if he hurts me just one more time, I swear to whatever gods exist, I will plunge myself into death. And I will tear the world down with me", Y/N spoke to Ran, threateningly low, passing right by the three older boys, walking back to her bedroom.



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