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Trigger Warning: sexual abuse / violence / rape, forced entry, gore, will be warned before the paragraph

"When you said you needed info on some people, I did not think it'd be this much", Hawks complained as he was carrying boxes full of papers, trotting behind the well-dressed girl who was just pulling out file after file.

"The world of delinquency is big."

"Yeah, but I highly doubt it this big", the pro-hero groaned as another kilo of data was put onto his arms.

"Shut it. You agreed", Y/N spoke sternly as she got onto a ladder, reaching for even more files.

"IN these their medical histories are also, right?"

"Yes, everything from the time a pregnancy has been reported."



"You'll report back to me, right?"

"Of course I will. Oh and by the way ... recommend me to UA."


"I intend to join the prestigious hero-school. But I am very well aware of the fact that I'll go under in the masses that'll be at the 'try-outs'. So recommend me. You're a pro-hero, you can do that."

"Sure thing, but ... you'll do your internship with me."


With that the girl was on her way back home, carrying a ton of files.

"Now let's see who you are ... Hanma Shuji."

"You're growing wise."

"You're a great help."

"You're flattering me."

"We are one. Of course I boost our already inflated ego."

After about two hours Y/N had fallen asleep mid-reading, her head having fallen into her hands who were still holding a folder, it was an old associate of Hanma Shuji, nobody really important, but it was better to know too much than to little.

But what pulled Y/N out of her slumber was the locking of her door, she had locked it behind her when she had come back.

Somebody had just entered her home, and there were more than one for sure.

"Leave. Now", Y/N ordered, her head having shot up, glaring at the people engulfed in the shadows.

"I don't plan on doll~ you let me get a taste and I got addicted~", Y/N recognized that god-forbidden voice.

"Hanma Shuji."

"100 points~ <3"

"Fuck off. Leave."

"Or else what?", another guy asked, he was wearing a mask, she also remembered him, he was also part of the group that harmed her.

"Or else I'll skin you alive and make you a part of my collection."

"Your what now?", another guy roared, laughing which caused Y/N to snap, turning on all candles around herself, this exposed her collection to the intruders.

Jars, jars filled with heads, eyes, hands, body-parts, everything.

One of the guys actually threw up at the sight while Hanma just continued grinning like a maniac.

She definitely preferred Izana's maniacal grin, he looked hotter with it.

TW, rape below

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