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"So? What's going on here?", Ran asked as he noticed the tension in their boss' office. Mikey stood by the large windows, just blankly starring out of it. Izana sat on the large velvet-couch, holding a glaring contest with Kisaki.

"Mikey wants someone." Kisaki's words cut through the thick air as Ran exhaled, "So? Then we go get them. No?"

"He wants the little doll", Izana stated coldly as he watched Ran's eyes widen at the nickname.

"She'd never be here willingly. She made that much clear", Ran spoke as he instinctingly rubbed over his nape, the scar was still visible.

"She won't have a choice", Mikey said in a chilling tone as he turned around to look at the older boy, "And you will bring her to me."


"No backtalk Ran", Mikey said coldly as the boy with braids shuddered under the younger's gaze.

"I'd go through hell for you Mikey. But Y/N, god that girl, I have more love for her in my heart than fear and respect for you. I'll try to get her here, but I will not force her to-"

"She hates you Ran", Kisaki said boringly, "If she loved you she wouldn't have pushed you away. Wouldn't have given you those scars."

"She's just being influenced by those heroes. If I can get her alone she wouldn't hurt me."

"She'll hurt anyone who tries to bring her back to her past. She wants to forget us", Izana said, his words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth and in the air.

Ran just nodded as Mikey dismissed him with a few words, "Don't disappoint me Ran."


"She's not supposed to be with anyone right now", Rindo said as he and his brother watched Y/N walking around with a certain blonde boy. And the weirdest thing, she was laughing and smiling. For the first time in two years, she was smiling.

"We won't have much a choice", Ran muttered as he faced his younger brother before nodding towards a few of their men who got into their positions to grab the two teenagers which were about to pass them.

And just a few seconds later, the two brothers saw how their men had grabbed the two teens, two of them dragging the blonde boy away who was cursing and trying to get out of their grasps, he was a strong one that much was for sure. Another two were busy with Y/N who was screeching and kicking as one of their men had grabbed her by wrapping his arms around her and pinning her arms down to her sides.

"Let go you cunts!", Y/N cursed as she managed to kick one of her captors into his groin which caused him to drop the girl who then sucker-punched the second one of her captors. Once her two captors were on the ground she went to the two men who held Bakugo back.

"Let go of me you bastards!", Bakugo tried to use all of his strength without his quirk to get his own captors off, but they were surprisingly strong.

"Shut it you two", Rindo said as he and his brother were now in front of the others.

"Long time no see, Chucky", Ran said with a sad smile on his lips as he saw the red head's eyes widening in shock, "Annabelle..."

"You know those shitheads, spunky?", Bakugo asked once he was let go of.

"Y-Yeah", Y/N huffed as she leant against Bakugo to earth herself again.

Her action or the nickname did not go unnoticed by the brothers from Roppongi.

"Listen here Chucky", Ran started as he leant against the wall of the alleyway, "You know Mikey, right?"

"How could I not know that short asshole?"

"Well, that 'short asshole' wants you."

"No thanks, in whatever way."

"He's not asking", Rindo spoke calmly as he kept his eyes on the boy, inspecting him from head to toe.

Bakugo watched the happening with curious but careful eyes.

"You two remember what I promised?"

"How could we not?", Ran laughed, "We still got those sweet scars you gave us."

"Then you'll know that I will never come back to you...back to that life. No matter how much I want to."

"Why not? We'd gladly take you back. Everyone would be happy to have you again. Izana would-"

"Don't say that name", Y/N interrupted Rindo, "I want back to you. Back to the life I knew, back to the life where I was loved by the people around me. Where I wasn't just respected out of fear! But I can't."

"Why not? What's stopping you?!", Ran asked as he grabbed onto Y/N's arms, keeping her to face him once she had started to turn away from him.

"My fucking deal is keeping me from coming back! I don't want to be a fucking hero! But I'd rather be one than be locked up and used as a weapon!"

"What?", Bakugo asked, walking to stand next to Ran as he was now concerned for the girl.

He knew just as well as the other's that Y/N didn't seem to enjoy UA, but he never thought she was being forced or blackmailed to attend.

"I don't want to be a hero, but I have to. I do it to keep you fuckers save", Y/N said as she slightly punched Ran's chest.

"Rin and I can keep ourselves safe. We rule over fucking Roppongi. You can come back to us, and do nothing but lay in the sun on the grass and eat your beloved strawberries and lemon-tarts. Just come back to us."

"And what about Mikey? You think he'll let me?"

"He'd keep you as his little plaything, but he wouldn't push you away. He wants you.-"

"Too bad that I'm not interested in being someone's little plaything", Y/N looked at Bakugo, "Let's go Kat."

With that the girl just brushed past the boys she once considered her family as if they were but strangers, grabbing the youngest boy's hand as the two walked away.


"Wanna tell me what's that was?", Bakugo asked as he laid on Y/N's bed, the girl sat next to him as both were watching the latest episode of their favorite anime.

"Just some people of my past-"

"Don't lie to me spunky", the blonde said, "I know what happened bugs your mind. Tell me."


Y/N's eyes wavered as she took a shaky breath before pulling up her shirt and tugging on her volleyball shorts down to expose her medusa tattoo, "It started when I was raped. I got tangled up with gangs because I was friends with a founder of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Before that I used to be friends with the Haitani brothers, the two boys we met before."



"I fell in love with a gang-leader, and was pulled deeper and deeper into that shit. Hawks got me out, but now he's got me on a damn leash."

"Spunky", Bakugo started as he sat up and without another word pulled the girl into a hug, catching both off guard.

"You're fucking strong spunky", the blonde boy said as he felt the girl melting into his touch. None of them said a thing as they just sat in their embrace for what felt like hours.

"You're not half as mean as you look Kat", Y/N smiled once the two had let go of each other.

"Don't get to fucking used to it spunky."



Author here and welcome back!

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Have a lovely day / night,
your author <3

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