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As the days at UA passed, Bakugo's hatred for the red haired girl just grew bigger and bigger. The only good thing about her from his point of view was her own dislike of Deku. Except for that he didn't find a thing likeable about her.

Not her soft looking and nice smelling hair, nor her soft seeming skin, definitely not that manipulative and self-loving smile, or those hauntingly beautiful eyes. He couldn't stand her from head to toe, no matter how much his own body seemed to like her.

He couldn't wait to see her falling, couldn't wait for her downfall. Because most people made themselves small to be swallowed by him, but not her. She wanted him to choke on her.

And that just made his surprise all the bigger when he found just the girl he had grown to hate, swaying as she walked through the streets of Tokyo during the middle of the night.

A grin made its way onto his face as he came to the conclusion that she must've snuck out of her room in the middle of the night, gone out to party and gotten stupidly drunk as she was now on her drunken way back home. Oh she'd get in trouble for that, that's for sure. At least if her parents were anything like his.


Something didn't feel right about the way she swayed. He had seen drunk people walking, and it wasn't like that. She seemed even more out of it. Seemed like she was fighting something.

"Oi!! You idiot!", Bakugo called out as he jogged up to the girl's side as she stopped by a wall, holding onto it as she continued to sway. She looked up at Bakugo, her hair falling over her face as reddened eyes looked up at Bakugo's fierce ones.

"You good idiot?"

"Fuck off Kugo", she heavily slurred her words, almost collapsing as the boy's arms caught her and pushed her back up against the wall.

"Are you drunk?"


"You sure seem it idiot."

"Don't call me idiot-", just as she was about to finish her sentence she slouched over, her head hitting the boy's shoulder who 'tched' as he held the girl against himself, making sure she didn't fall.

He didn't know why he did it. But he knew that he couldn't sleep at night if he let something or someone happen to the girl, no matter how much he disliked her.

Bakugo just sighed as he picked the girl up, throwing her over his shoulder as he walked towards his home, his parents were gone for their monthly date-night, so no need to stress about them. Bakugo just walked upstairs to his room where he put the girl onto his bed after having taken her heels off.

"H-Huh?", the girl murmured as she stirred, sitting up as she was met face to face with Bakugo who put his phone away, "Back with the conscious ones?"

"Where the fuck am I?", she didn't sound nearly as slurred as before but was still noticeable next to herself.

"At my house. I don't know where the fuck you live."

"What the fuck did you do?"

"Don't worry, I didn't touch you. Someone else seemed to have done that already", Bakugo gestured to the girl's neck. As Y/N touched her throat her eyebrows twisted together as she groaned before falling back onto the boy's mattress.

"That bastard."

"Your boyfriend?"

"I don't do that shit. Just ... just a boy who can't get over me..."

"What a heartbreaker", the blonde grinned as he got up and handed the girl a glass of water.

"Why didn't you just leave me?"

"I hate you. But I don't want you to get taken advantage of."

Y/N nodded as she sat completely up, looking up at the boy who stood before her.

Both held silent eye-contact, unspoken words lingering between the two.

"Not a single word to anyone", both said with their eyes.

"Can't have people knowing that I'm soft with you."

"Can't have people knowing that I needed your help."

"Do you know what substance you were drugged with?", the blonde asked as he laid in his bed, watching TV as the girl laid next to him, scrolling through her phone. They had been like this for quite some time now. Mostly silence ruling between them.

"No. I suspect some KO-drops."

"It's best that you stay here tonight."

"That desperate to keep me with you?", Y/N smiled as she was met with the boy's groan, "Don't get your crown set too high", he started as he smacked a pillow into the girl who yelped as she sat up and threw it back at him.

"Then why so persistent on me staying?"

"Because I don't want you ending up dead. If someone's gonna kill you, it'll be me!"

With that the boy sat up as the two started a little pillow-fight as if there was no hate or dislike between the two.

"You know, if you weren't such a dickhead, we could be great friends", Y/N muttered as she and the boy were sitting in the kitchen and eating some food. The effects of the drugs had luckily worn off rather quickly. Now Y/N was sitting on the kitchen-counter while the blonde boy was cooking some food for the two of them.

It was barely one in the morning and Bakugo's parents were still not home.

"Yeah. We'd be an unstoppable duo if you weren't such a bitch."

"At least we can agree on that", the girl laughed as she ran her fingers through his hair, drawing a grumble from him as he moved his head away, "Don't get too comfortable with me. I'm only doing this because I don't want you ending up dead or worse."

Y/N just laughed as she tasted the sauce he had made, smiling as the food warmed her, "You're an amazing cook."

Bakugo just nodded, hiding his face as he felt heat rising to his cheeks. He didn't know why that happened. But he'd like to be friends with the girl.

No matter how much he disliked her guts. They weren't so different after all.


"Mornin'", Y/N yawned the next morning as she walked down to the kitchen where Bakugo was sitting at a table, his mouth falling agape as the girl casually sat down next to him and smiled at his father and mother.

"Sweetie, am I seeing things or did out boy manage to bring a girl over without us noticing?", Masaru asked, the bread having dropped back onto his plate as his wife was just as shocked. Having her eyebrows raised and mouth forming an o shape, "I-I don't think you're seeing things. I see her too."

"Do I have something on my face?", Y/N asked Bakugo who grew bright red, "Nothing but your stupid face."

"Oi Katsuki! Be nice to her!"

"Whatever hag!"

"Don't call your mother a hag you dickhead!", Y/N slapped the boy's head, causing the older woman to look surprised, almost falling into a coma when her son didn't fight back but just apologizes to his mother.

"Whoever you are, you're staying", Mitsuki said as she made the girl also a plate with scrambled eggs and strawberries.

"Thank you Mrs. Bakugo."

"And she's so polite", Masaru stated as he and his wife smiled at each other, "There's still hope for our son."



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your author <33

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