Mr. Roommate

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Y/N's Pov:

I was returning back to my apartment after wandering for almost the whole day. It was 8.00 pm at night. The roads were almost empty and there were only a few people on the road, probably the ones returning from their works. I thought to myself. Soon I reached my apartment building. I went inside. I reached my flat. I used my spare keys to unlock the door. I opened the door and went inside. The lights of the living room were off. ' but I thought I had kept the lights on, then how come... Aish leave it. I'm too tired to debate on it now'. I thought to myself and turned on the lights.

As soon as I turned on the lights, the scene in front of me made me scream on top of my lungs. "Ahhh. Thief, thief, thief broke in my house, somebody help please..." I shouted. "Aish... Stop shouting dumb ass. You disturbed my sleep!" The man in front of me said in full irritated tone. "W-who are y-you? And w-what a-are you doing in m-my apartment?" I said a bit stuttering. "First of all, this is not your house and secondly I live in this house as well by paying my rents to it!" He said in clear annoyance. "What! What do you mean by you live here as well. Wasn't I supposed to be the only one to live here? And also, that ajhumma never told me about you or never mentioned anyone living here as well, then how come..." I said while calculating all the things in my mind. "Hey, why don't you ask that ajhumma itself? Huh?" He said simply. Yes he had a point. I can ask that woman itself.

Immediately I called that aunty through my phone. After a few rings she picked up the call. Of course she would be sleeping by this time. Anyways...
"Hello! Who is this?" She asked in her sleepy tone. "Hello ajhumma! I am Y/N. Your renter." I said in a polite way. "Oh Y/N! Yes my dear what happened? You called me this late. Is everything all right?" She asked in a concerned tone.
When she asked it, I looked over to that guy and again looked elsewhere to talk on phone. " Ajhumma, do you perhaps forgot to tell me that there would be someone else too, living here in this same apartment?" I asked.
"Omo! My dear I am so sorry. I forgot to tell you this in the morning. Yes my dear! There's a guy named Min Yoongi, he also lives in the same flat as yours. Also he is a university student like you. I am sorry once again my dear that I forgot to say that. But yes he is your roommate from now on". She said to which I nodded to myself understanding the situation. "It's okay ajhumma, I can manage it. I called you to just confirm. Okay thank you so much and sorry to disturb your sleep. Good night." I said and hung up the call.

I looked over to that guy who was now sleeping on the couch as if he knew that this would be the answer by that lady. And of course he knew to be honest. I sighed and went to him and called him out. "Hey..."
"Yoongi. My name is Min Yoongi " He said straight forward. "Yeah, Yoongi, right? So... You live here as well, then ok... Btw which room is yours then?" I asked.
"The one in which you have arranged your things" He said simply making my eyes widen. 'omg! That's his room. Damm. that's why it was so neat and tidy and dark aesthetic too. Shit! Did he saw my clothes too!' I thought to myself. "No! I didn't see your belongings, but just your bags and your duvet on my bed. So I guessed it's yours. Now please kindly get away your belongings and move into another room. I want to sleep there. I could have done that either but I don't like to touch other's things. So please move it quickly". He said in a calm yet rude way. Wait did he just heard what I said in my mind. Or did I just said it loudly instead of saying in my mind. Shit!
"Are you going to stand there the whole night huh?" He asked again making me come back to my senses. I quickly rushed in the room in embarrassment. I took my things and went into the room opposite to his room. I unpacked and arranged my things again, making sure I never get to undone it again. I sighed heavily and sat on the bed. Staring to the ceiling, I thought about him. "He is so rude and cold. I wonder in which university does he goes to. I hope we get along which seems to be more than difficult for me, as you know me. I don't like to talk to boys also I don't have enough confidence to face them". I said to myself and sighed heavily. "I hope my university years go good with him". I said lastly before glancing at the clock.

10.30 pm, it showed. I don't know why but I feel hungry. Should I go and eat something? Yeah why not. Let's eat ramen. I thought and got from my bed. I took a quick shower and changed into my PJ's and went out of the room. As I came out I saw that he was still sitting on the couch, still in his previous outfit. That indicates he hasn't left this living from so long. He was watching A football match on T.v. I sighed and went inside the kitchen ignoring him. He didn't even glanced at me when I passed him. Such an asshole. I thought.

I started making ramen. Until something hit me. 'He might me hungry as well. Should I make him a pack too? He's been sitting there from so long. I think I should make him one too.' I thought and started making him one. After I made it I served it in two bowl and placed a pair of chopsticks in one for him and a fork for myself.

I went near the couch and cleared my throat to gain his attention which I successfully got. "I thought you must be hungry... So I made some ramen for you... Would you like to have some?" I said while sitting on the couch and placing the bowl in front of him. "No! I'm not hungry. Take this back. I don't want it". He said rudely. Such a rude ass. As he hurt my ego after I just thought to feed him, I immediately took his bowl and was about to go inside and put it back, he stopped me. "H-hey, I can have it... If you insist..." He said as if almost mumbled the words. I chuckled at his cuteness and placed the bowl again. He took the bowl and started eating like a hungry wolf who got his pray after starving for almost a month. "Hey, slow down. You're gonna choke on it now". I said while giggling. "It's okay for me". He said.

After we finished eating I took the bowls to the sink to wash them. But before I could go, he held my hand suddenly making me freeze on my spot. This was the first time a guy held my hand like this. My heart started beating fast. I turned to him slowly. Our eyes met. We stared at each other for a few seconds until he looked away quickly, breaking the eye contact making me come back to my senses too. He quickly left my hand too. "Thank you". He said in a low voice still looking away from me. "Huh?" I asked as I couldn't hear him. "I said, thank you! For this ramen. It was good." He said in a bit loud voice that I was able to hear it now.
"Y-your welcome". I replied. I quickly rushed inside the kitchen to wash vessels. My heart was still banging so loud as if someone standing next to me could hear it clearly. I was done with my business. I walked back to my room and plopped on my bed. Staring at the ceiling again. Thinking about what just happened in the living room. It was my first ever encounter with a guy like this.

I wished this never happens again. It was embarrassing for both of us! But why did my heart beated so loudly. I think it was because of the situation earlier. I should just stop thinking about it... It's useless to think like this... Boys like him... I know them very much better...
I thought these myself and let out a heavy sigh to lower my heart beats. I should sleep now tomorrow is my first day at the university. I should not be late and I should be perfect tomorrow. With that I closed my eyes and went to my dreamland.

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Let's see what happens next!
Stay tuned for part 5 and the rest!
Till then Bye~


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