Back to my home town!

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Author's Pov:

After that night when Yoongi talked to Y/N's dad, he atleast now talks to her... She is happy too. She now had a feeling that she could get him back but it's just going to take some time. Now she will have to go on with the flow...
Soon the time came when they were going to India. Yoongi had never been to India before. It was the very first time for him and he was hell nervous.
So he stayed all the way after Y/N.

Y/N's Pov:

We were now soon heading to the airport.
It's been a year since I came here... I'm happy that I'll be able to see my family after so long... But I was more happy because I was going back with someone new... And special... A guest from foreign...
What do we say in desi language... Yes!
"Vilayti Munda" (NRI / a foreigner)

"Y/N! Are we done!? The taxi is waiting downstairs!" I heard him shout from the living room.
"Yes! Just a minute!" I shouted back.
Soon I came out of my room and checked wether everything was taken... Finally!
Let's go now.

Magical time skip.

"We had successfully landed to Indian Airways. Hope you had a safe and nice journey. Now you may open your seat belt and head down to the main door"

We heard the announcement saying that we landed to India. As soon as we stepped out on the airport a strange nostalgic feeling of
'Desh ki mitti' touched my soul!

Wait... Am I being too much! Hell na! It's fine!

We headed to the main exit. Yoongi was just following me silently all the way since we landed here... May be I know why...
We stopped on our tracks to see if there is any receiver came to pick us...
Soon I spotted someone tall, dark man standing in a formal blue shirt and checkers pants. He looked so familiar...
Wait! Is he...
"Suraj!" I shouted my lungs out in excitement not caring about anyone around. I left my luggage behind and ran up to him and hugged tightly as if chocking him to die! Just jocking...
"OMG Suraj bhaiya! I missed you so much! How are you!? Where's mom and dad!? They didn't come!?"
"Calm down, calm down my angry bird! I came to pick you up... Just me! And I'm fine... As you can see!"
"Yeah... You grew up so well in a year... Looks like Anu (his soon to be wife) is having an impact from the start only, huh!?" I teased him. He blushed and looked down.
"Wait... Are you blushing!? Oh Mah Gawd!"
"Shut up bish! Let's go now... Everyone is waiting for you!"
"Okay... But that doesn't mean you can get away from me now... I'll sue you!"

We were about to head ahead when we heard someone fake coughed. We looked back and saw Yoongi glaring me for I almost forgot he was here too... Hehe!

"Hey! I'm Yoongi. Y/N's... close friend..." Ouch that hurts!
"Oh, hey man! I know about you... Dad told me you'd be coming. You're welcome to India and most welcome to our family! Feel free to think of me as your own brother! Let's go home now!"
"Thanks hyung!"
"Uhh... Hyung?"
"Oh... It's a Korean word for brother!" I covered up!
"Oh... Cool!"

Soon we left to our home. We were welcomed by a warm 'Aarti' (a form of welcome by Indian family)
By our family members.

"Oh my baby!" My mom hugged me tightly.
"Uh... Mamma it's okay... You don't have to choke me for that" I teased.
She slapped my arm lightly and said,
"Can't I even hug my daughter after so long, huh!?"
"Aigo! Of course you can... I was just joking. How are you though?"
"I'm fine. But look at you... You've become so thin and you're looking so weak! Aren't you taking care of yourself there!?"
Now how should I say, how was I living from so many days...
"I am mamma! It's just... My exams were going on, that's why I used to stay up late at nights... But now that I'm here, I know you will make me fat again!"
"Yes I will!"
I chuckled at her statment.

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