The University [pt.2]

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Y/N's Pov:

We were still in the cafeteria. Munching on our foods. Suddenly Taehyung shouted."Yah! You shorty! Why did you do that huh!?" He asked indicating some short guy. I was about to ask him about it until I heard Jimin yelling back to him. "Yah you alien! Who the hell are you calling shorty huh!? Do have a death wish!?"
Oh that shorty was JIMIN. cute.
"You! I'm calling YOU the shorty. And you deserve it you rat, because you stole my precious dumpling from me. And you know what!? That was the last one I had remaining!" Taehyung said fake crying. Aish these guys are so unbelievable, they are fighting like kids for just a piece of dumplings. " So what I had it huh? It was your last one only. You have had your whole plate before right. I wanted one so I had it. Do you have any problem mr. Alien!?" Jimin said. "You rat! Come here I'll show you!" Tae said and they started fighting in the middle of the whole freaking cafeteria. Namjoon had already threw his hands up as he was already done with these brats. "Guys please! Don't fight at it now! We can still bye another one... For both of you right? Please stop it and sit here". I said consoling them.
They both looked at me for a while. I thought it worked and now they'll do as I said. But I was wrong they again started fighting like cat and dog. I sighed in disbelief gaining a chuckle from Namjoon. "They ain't gonna stop y/niee. It's their daily routine. They won't listen to anyone. Let them be!". I nodded getting a point in his words.

"Yah! Are you two again fighting for dumplings huh? Can't you just stop it for someday". I heard a stern voice from behind which seemed familiar. I turned around to see the owner to find Yoongi. I was right. "Hyung! He stole my last dumpling!" Tae said again fake crying. Yoongi sighed and shook his head while coming to our table.
'ohh gosh! Why is he coming here now! Did I do something to him, that I don't know!?
'Ottoke ottoke!'
I thought to myself. He came and sat on the place in front of me. But he didn't even see me for once. "Yah! You two! Come here and sit quietly!" He said to the two boys fighting. They listened to him immediately and left each other's hair and glared at each other before coming and sitting on their places. Why did they listened to him. And he even called him HYUNG. Who is he huh? Di they know him anyway?
I thought. "Ohh miss new comer is also here!". He said chuckling sarcastically at last. "Suga behave! She is our new friend and she is NEW. Don't mess now!" Namjoon said to Yoongi. He chuckled and shook his head. "So Y/N huh? From India? Cool... It would be a pleasure to be friends with you Miss Y/n". He said with a slight smirk at the last sentence. It's seemed so creepy to be honest. He was good yesterday and now he is behaving like he hates me and want to get away from me. He I so strange. I gotta be aware now. We even live in same flat. Need to be more aware of him. "Yeah! Nice to meet you too! Yoongi". I said with an awkward laugh. He chuckled at me for the last time, before the school bell goes off. It says the break is over and we gotta go for our next classes. God he is in my class, sitting behind me. How am I gonna face him huh? This is going to be tough I guess. I thought until Jimin shook me bringing me out of my imagination. "Come let's go Y/niee". He said and I nodded before following him to the class.

Time skip.
At the end of the day.

At the end of the day

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