a note for readers

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Hello everyone, I'm Nichole. I happen to be the author of this here story. I'm super lame, so i'll just skip to the good stuff.

Basically I am putting this note in for the new readers (or even the older ones aye) to let ya know what's happening to this story.

I went back and read through this after I finished and waited for a bit, but I noticed that some parts of the plot were not very clear for readers, but only clear for me in my head.

This has led me to my decision of rewriting a little :-)

So basically all the chapters are capitalised at the beginning (ex. One, Two, Three) If the chapter has been rewritten (eventually they all will be) then it will change to lowercase (ex. one, two, three)

I hope that makes sense to you guys. I just want to organise this story a little better and make it more enjoyable to you guys as readers.

Alright, I think that's that.

Thanks so much for deciding to read this story and all the comments and votes mean the world to me :-)


ps. you look amazing

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