Thirty Two

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(( 8. Thousand. Reads.

Seriously guys wOw?!?!?!".'!."?,wfoshe',?,'

It's been such an amazing time writing this for you guys and the fact people actually like it amazes me! Seriously I have NEVER finished an entire story and here I am almost DONE? WOOOWW

I love you guys so much xx))


-Luke's POV-

I didn't want to be rude to Skylar, honestly. But sometimes she just acted like my mother and it bothered me a little bit.

I walked silently down the street. I didn't really have anywhere to go or anything to do. I just wanted to clear my mind.

"Look who it is." I heard a voice sneer behind me.

"Luke Hemmings, the one and only." I turned around to see Cory with a couple other guys. They seemed familiar, but I didn't remember them.

"What do you want?" I said uninterestedly.

"What are you doing all alone out here?" One of them said.

"Don't you know it's dangerous out here?"

"Fuck off." I rolled my eyes, stopping in front of them.

Cory smirked. "Where's your little bitch?"

"Skylar isn't a bitch, and she's at home." I said. Honestly, I was annoyed and I just wanted to head home.

"Maybe we can stop by there later, we have some unfinished business with her." A guy said behind Cory.

I squinted. "What the hell do you mean?"

"Don't act dumb," The guy said, stepping closer. "You ruined that whole party for us."

It finally clicked. His name was Jake, he was the one drugging Skylar.

"Well, that's sucks for your horny asses. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to-"

"You aren't going anywhere." Cory grabbed my shoulders, he glared at me. He reeked of alcohol.

I pushed him off of me and backed up. Cory lunged forward, throwing a punch at my jaw. I stubbed back, shocked. The anger fumed inside me as I punched him. He pushed me, kneeing me in the gut, before I punched him twice more.

"You're a piece of shit, why don't you just kill yourself?" I stopped, staring at his smirk.

"I'm sure that'd make a lot of people happy!" One of his friends called out.

I swung for another punch, missing slightly.

"Hey, what the fuck?" A girl voice yelled behind us. I felt two hands pull me away.

I turned around to see Skylar, shaking her head. I reached for her, but she moved from my reach. Her eyes were wide.


"No, don't talk," she said, stepping around me. "Cory, what the hell?"

"Skylar, baby, he started this."

"No, Cory-"

"Don't call her baby." I said loudly. Cory glared at me.

"So what if I do? She probably likes it better when I do it anyway." Cory said, winking at Skylar.

"Shut up." I muttered, crossing my arms.

"Come on, lets go." Skylar walked quickly to her car, I slowly followed.


"Skylar, I'm sor-"

"Luke, please," she sighed, turning into my driveway. "Just don't."

"I'm so sorry." I reached for her, and she moved away again. I put my hand down.

"It's fine." She said quietly.

I sighed, getting out of the car. "Goodnight."

"Night." She looked over to me, a fake smile on her face. I sighed again before closing the door and heading inside.

"Fuck!" I yelled once I was in. I slid down to the ground against the door.

She was scared of me now. She probably never wanted to see me again. She thought I would hurt her.

I sobbed into my hands, knowing I had lost the only girl I ever had.

I stood up, quickly going up the stairs and into my room. I quickly went to my desk, looking around. I pushed things off until I found a small pencil sharpener. I snapped it easily and the blade fell to the ground. Sure, it was small, but it did the same.

I went to the bathroom, pulling my jacket off. This was it, I kept telling myself in my head. I set the blade on the counter, wiping tears from my cheeks before going back to my room.

I grabbed some paper and envelopes from my drawer and a pen. I went back to the bathroom and began to write.

A letter for my mom and dad, a letter for my brothers, a letter for Calum, a letter for Skylar. I folded them all neatly into the envelopes, setting them on the counter once I was done.

My tears had stopped. I felt nothing. I didn't want to feel anything ever again.

I wanted to be done.

I grabbed the blade and held it to my skin.

I thought of everything people from school said. I thought of Skylar's mom, of Cory and his gang. I thought of Michael.

Soon my arms were covered.

"Y-You worthless piece of s-shit," I muttered to my self. "You deserve e-everything that happens t-to you."

I opened the cabinet and pulled out random bottles of pills.

I opened them all into the sink, picking up random ones into my hand.

"Now I lay me down to sleep," I said quietly. "I pray The Lord my soul to keep..." I put pills into my mouth and swallowed slowly. I put more pills in, more and more, before I sunk to the floor.


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