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I woke up under Luke's arms. I looked over at him, sleeping soundly, holding me tightly. I unwrapped my arms from him and managed to get out of his grasp.

I went out to the waiting room to try and find Calum, who was gone.

"What?" I muttered, looking around.

"Are you looking for the boy with dark hair?" A nurse asked, probably one from last night.

"Yeah, he was here a couple hours ago," I pulled out my phone and noticed it was about seven. "Okay, a few more than a couple."

"He left about twenty minutes ago, I think." She gave me a sympathetic smile before going behind the counter and into the office.

Great. Calum probably called his mom to come get him.

I walked back into Luke's room. "Hey," he said with a small smile. "Where's Calum?"

I sighed, sitting down on the chair and looking at Luke, who looked slightly more awake than last night, or this morning, in that case.

"He left."

"He left?" Luke's smile faded.

"Uh, yeah, I'm sure his parents just wanted him home or something."

"Oh." He mumbled, looking down at his lap.

"Do you know when you get to leave?" I changed subjects quickly.

Luke shook his head. "No idea."

We sat there quietly before a nurse came in. It was the redhead from the first day.

"Oh, your girlfriend is still here?" She smiled at me before turning to Luke.

"We aren't dating." He said quickly.

"Oh, I saw you two snuggling, no need to lie," She winked. I tried hard not to roll my eyes. "People don't usually cuddle in our hospital beds, though."

"Yeah, we didn't mean to." I said awkwardly.

"No, it's okay sweetie," She smiled, looking at Luke's clipboard. "You can head home, if you would like. We just have another test to run on him."

I looked over at Luke, and he nodded slowly. I stood up as the nurse left.

"Well, I should go then." I gave Luke a quick hug before heading out into the hall.


Once I got home, I decided to try and call Calum, to see if he was okay. The first couple times I called, he didn't answer. Finally, the phone picked up.

"Calum?" I said once the line connected.

"No, it's Iris." Iris said through the phone.

"Where's Calum?" I said. Why did she have his phone.

"Here, at my house. He's upset with you."

"What? Let me talk to him." She sighed, and there were muffled voices before the phone was handed to Calum.

"What." He said, obviously pissed off.

"Why did you leave?" I said in a polite tone, hoping he would use one in return.

"Why the hell did you leave me in the waiting room? So you could go sleep with my best friend?" He snapped.

"That wasn't intended to happen." I said defensively.

"Then why the fuck did you?" He raised his voice, causing me to pull my phone away from my ear slightly.

"I didn't think I was going to fall asleep in his bed, Calum. he asked me to sit with him."

"That doesn't change it, you slept with one if my best friends."

"Maybe I like him, Calum, okay? Maybe I really like Luke." I said. I stopped, realizing what I just said. Did I like Luke?

"You like him? Like you would date him?" Calum said, less angry.

"I don't know, I might." I said.

It was silent for awhile until Iris started talking.

"I don't get why you're so upset, Calum," She mumbled. "Its not like you aren't with her best friend or anything."

"Wait what?" I said quickly. "You two are dating?"

"Uh, yeah, it just happened last week." Iris said.

"And neither of you told me." I stated.

"Guess not," Calum said. "Well, now you know, so, bye."

"Wait Calum," but the call ended. "Fuck." I groaned, setting my phone on the counter and heading to my room to get some clothes and get ready to shower.

broken · luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now