Twenty Eight

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Make sure you vote and comments it means the world to me <3

You guys are the best can I marry you all?

ALSO I'm going on my first roller coaster tomorrow 😳))

"I'm so sorry that she was rude, Luke, she's just hard on everyone." Hannah said from the front seat.

"It's okay." Luke said quietly, looking out the window.

"No it isn't. She didn't need to be a total bitch to him." I said in a snotty tone. I didn't talk for the rest of lunch and honestly I did not want to be there.

"She was nicer towards the end." Luke said to me, making little circles on the back of my hand.

"That's still not an excuse." I shook my head.

We drove quietly for a little while longer, no one really wanting to discuss our lunch again.

"Hannah, can I go to Luke's for a little bit?" I looked up at her through the mirror, her blue eyes meeting mine.

"I guess." She shrugged, taking a left turn.

I looked over to Luke. He was looking out the window, not showing any expression. I squeezed his hand and he turned to me, smiling a little.

"You've never played your instruments for me." I said quietly.

"Maybe I can," He said, moving a piece of hair from my eyes. "Then we can watch The Breakfast Club for the thirty billionth time."

"Dude, yes." I said happily.

Luke laughed. "Did you just call me 'dude'?"

"Maybe." I said between laughs.

It's true, usually when I hang out with Luke we watch the breakfast club or some Disney movie. Either that, or we were listening to music, which always ended up in heated discussions about why I hate Nickelback or how we despise country music.

Hannah dropped us off and Luke immediately ran upstairs. When he came back down, he was holding an acoustic guitar.

"I always wondered why you haven't played for me." I said as he dragged me to the living room.

"You've never asked," he sat down in the chair as I plopped onto the couch. "Plus I just lost the enthusiasm for it. It's funny, actually, Calum and I were going to make a band with my friend Michael."

"Michael, who's that?" I said. Luke never mentioned Michael before.

"Michael Clifford. He isn't, well, with us anymore." He said sadly, strumming a couple chords.

"Luke, I'm so sorry." I said sadly.

"It's fine, i would prefer not to talk about it. What song would you like?" Luke strummed two more chords.

"I don't mind."

"Nickelback it is," he strummed the beginning of one of their songs, making me throw a pillow at him.

"No way, no way." I shook my head.

"Your reason of hating them isn't even a good one!" He said quickly, throwing the pillow back.

"It is! It's VERY serious," I crossed my arms. "Play, I don't know, All Time Low."

"I figured you would say that," He said, messing with his guitar pick. "Luckily I know your favorite song."

"Do you?" I said, leaning back into the couch.

He nodded, then started playing The Irony of Choking On A Lifesaver. Then he started singing.

"Stop fucking around with my emotions," he started, making my heart feel like it stopped. I had no idea Luke was this talented.

He continued with the song, adding his own little things here and there. I was in awe, staring at him as his fingers went over strings and frets. He never made eye contact with me. But his voice was absolutely stunning, breath taking actually.

As he finished, he looked up at me, smiling slightly at my reaction.

"Did you like it?" He said, setting his guitar on the ground lightly.

I blinked a couple times, getting out of the trance. "Luke, you're amazing."

"Not really." He shrugged.

"No, Luke, really. You're amazing." I stood up and grabbed his shoulders.

"Well, thank you." He said with a slight chuckle, standing up and taking my hands off his shoulders. He leaned over and picked his guitar up, making his way up the stairs.

broken · luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now