One night - NR

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I woke up, feeling totally separated from my body. My mind is foggy, and I don't know where I am, but that ceiling is not mine for sure. It's also way too bright for my liking, I hate sun. When I'm slowly coming back to my senses, I felt someone shifting and cuddling to my side. I looked down to meet naked Natasha and with snap everything from yesterday came back to me. I'm full aware of myself and sit straight in second. Carefully, I took a look at my surroundings, and I'm sure that this is Romanoff's room. She growls loudly and covers herself under the sheet. Okay, I need to breathe, in and out. It's not the end of the world. We just slept together. That's not a crime. Yeah, but she has a boyfriend, and you "hate" each other from the first sight. Okay, I fucked up badly. People who cheat are digusting, and from my own experience, I don't wish anyone to feel that kind of betrayal from someone you love.

'Natasha, wake up.' I pushed her slightly and put some random T-shirt to cover my body a little. When my gaze came back to the gorgeous redhead, she didn't change her position. 'Natasha, seriously, we need to talk.' I said more sternly, but again, she ignored me and mummble something to annoy other people. 'Natasha Romanoff, you're in my bed.' I whisper to her ear, and she sat straight immediately. Her eyes are trying to focus on the wall in front of her, and for quick seconds, I can clearly see her teriffied face before she put her normal sarcastic mask again.

'That's my room, dipshit.' She's taken back when her eyes met mine, and from her mimic, I can tell that she's so confused by my state. I probably don't look presentable at all. Instead of asking, she just stared at me, trying to comprehend what happened. As a good trained spy she is, right now her body language tells me everything. I'm pretty sure that she doesn't remember much or nothing at all. So, it's probably more on me cause I have some memories from yesterday.

'We fucked.' I said straight forward, my voice emotionless and bored. She shifted again, her nervousness irritate me for some reason. 'Don't worry, that's a one-time thing, and I'm not gonna tell anyone.' My eyes fixated on her, waiting for any response.

'I don't want him to know.' She's probably referring to Steve. No shit Sherlock, I want to be alive too. 'I'm in happy relationship, I don't remember exactly what happened, but it shouldn't.' I just hummed. 'I really didn't mean it, I hate you.' Don't smile, you idiot. 'I want to have family with Steve and now...' She started rumbling, so I just cut her off.

'Nothing happened, Natasha. I was never here, and we still hate each other.' With that, I stood up and got out of her room. I can sense that she feels horrible. Ugh, stop.

Two hours later, I heard muffled conversations and decided to see what's happening.

'You're alive.' Tony smiled to me. They're back from some mission, which now I wish I'd go on too. 'I bet that one of you will be dead when we arrive.' I smiled sarcastic and looked at Natasha. She rolled her eyes. She hesitates inside.

'I was close to throwing her out of the window in sleep once, but then decided that's too harmless way to die, and I want to see pain in her eyes before that last breath.' Avengers looked at me shocked, and I just shrugged. It's half truth. Then I spotted Steve walking out of the elevator, and Romanoff jumped into his arms, kissing deeply. 'Get a room, teenagers.' I said, and then they left without breaking the kiss. Team still looking at me. 'What?'

'You should get laid sometimes. That would help with the attitude.' I smirked at Tony's words. If only he knew, right?

'My sex life is way more interesting than yours old man. Do you want to know why?' I came closer and whisper to his ear. 'Because women beg for my dick, when yours can't even stand properly without viagra.' I left the group and headed to the training room, I need some good sweat session.

Currently, I'm sitting in the kitchen, contemplating my dumb decision. You broke your rule. Stop, I don't want to think about it. But you should. I growled at a smoothie in front of me. That's true. My own guilt will consume me alive. About dating and maybe more like sleeping with someone, I have one grounded rule: "Taken people are out of the reach." I know I fucked up, but there were alcohol and weed on the table yesterday. Really? That's your excuse? You were aware of what was going on and you just kept going. I growled again, hitting my forehead on the table.

'I can drink that smoothie if you don't want it.' Wanda's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked at her, and back at my smoothie, I'm not hungry anymore. I passed the drink to her and came back to the conversation inside me. I wasn't the one who initiated the whole thing. You were the one who continued. As much as I don't care about what happened or I just want to hide it. I clearly saw Natasha's reaction and her changed behavior even if she tried to hide it. Something broke inside her, and I don't like the idea of me being the cause.

I felt as my body was picked up and thrown through the kitchen towards the closest wall. My head hit hard cement structure, and before my senses were fully back to me, two strong arms held my neck, pinning me to the wall. I looked at the attacker and completely calmed down when I saw Steve in front of me. He squeezed my throat harder and slightly cut my access to oxygen for seconds.

'Is it you?' He's hurting me, but I'm not gonna do anything about it. I can handle some choking if that's what he needs right now. It sounds stupid even from your mind. My eyes are fixated on his, I want to read his inside as much as he wants mine. 'Did you fucked my girlfriend?' That question take me back, but I didn't show anything. Romanoff was almost begging me not to tell anything, and suddenly, she confessed to Rogers. He needed to discover it in some other way. I took a better look at him, and he didn't have a shirt, only pants. His hand tightened on my neck again. 'Answer me.' He's furious, but my gaze changes the target, and I look behind me. Everyone is frozen in place, like they see ghost or something. Only Natasha is scared for death. She doesn't even try to hide it. That look in her forest's eyes told me everything.

'It was me.' I whisper when my eyes met his. He separated my body from the wall to hit it again. Don't you dare you idiot. He needs to know, and she deserves to be happy. And what with "I want to be alive"? I changed my priorities, Baby. 'We drank too much.' I breathed out and felt his grip become weaker. 'I also gave her my joint. We got horny after. I saw an opportunity and took it.' I continue, and he sent me a questionable look. Now or never. 'She wasn't fully aware of what was going on. The mix was too much for her.' I saw that Wanda wanted to say something, but I stopped her with my powers. She probably read my mind, but I already know what I want to say. 'Don't get me wrong. I did it with her consent, but her senses were questionable at the time.'
Wanda's gaze on me is full of consent and fear. It was a lie, but no one needed to know.

'Steve, please, let her go. I'm sorry.' He thinks about it for a second and slowly sets me free from his grip completely. He turned to Natasha and hugged her tightly while she cried into his arms. That was one of your best manipulations ever. Thank you. The whole team looks at the scene with very mixed emotions.

This is the first time, when you show you're not sociopath side to someone. And it's weirdly satisfying, you know? I smiled slightly to myself. Fucking sociopath.


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