Fun* - NR

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'Is everything about sex with you?' She looked at me, annoyed, and I just rolled eyes at her.

'Hell yeah. I'm a demon.' My chuckle doesn't make her much happy. 'Oh, come on, Tasha. I need some fun in life.'

'So you decided to drink all day and sleep with random dudes?' She sighed, talking glass with whiskey out of my hand.

'First, I go both ways, as you know. And second, give me that back.' I reached for the alcohol, but she stopped me again.

'No, you need to put yourself together.' She exhaled loudly. 'Find something what's not including potential STD every night.' Maybe - that's what I need to go back to my old self.

'You're right, I need to find something interesting for myself.' I stand up excited, walking to her. 'You're amazing.' I kissed her on the cheek and headed to the exit.

'Don't do anything stupid!'

'We both know I will!' I screamed, closing doors behind me.
I walked into a small japanese spa with a grin on my face. The receptionist looked at me weirdly, reaching for the phone, probably to call security. I head further to the building, ignoring her existence.

'こんにちは、麻薬売人たち!' (Hello, drug dealers!) My happy greeting wasn't met with expecting reaction. Three people got out of the rooms, pointing guns at me. 'Let's dance.' I pulled out two daggers from my pockets. They almost laughed at me, but when I bounce all five bullets sent towards me... 'I bet your faces never been more beautiful.' I inhaled deeply, almost being able to smell fear in the air.

I rushed to the first target. My dagger opened his trachea while another man jumped on my back, trying to tackle me down. I turned around to put on the levers on his arm. He arched back, screaming until I broke his bones. Leaving two bodies behind me wasn't enough, so when another group of men stood in front of me, ready for attack, I let out chuckle. 'More fun for me.'

After taking every bodyguard down, I looked around, seeing carnage I made. Blood covers most of the floor and bodies lay everywhere, in many weird positions. My eyes met terrified Boss with gun pointed at me in his hands. I sent him knowingly look, and he threw a weapon away.

'Who are you?' He asked with shaky voice while I pushed him down to kneel in front of me.

'Shut up, I'm asking questions. Tell me, do you know how many people died from your drugs?' Venom in my voice scared him even more.

'Why are you doing this?' Right, he's not gonna be talkative, but I don't really need it. I grabbed a pair of handcuffs and closed them tightly at his wrists, turning around.

'Cause I want to.' I hesitated with my answer. That didn't make me feel anymore better. In fact, I'm sure I made more troubles than good. He chuckled at me.

'Doesn't look like it.' My fist met his jaw with a painful crunch. I walked next to his unconscious body, heading to the exit.
'Was it you?!' Natasha entered my apartment in fury. I never saw her that mad, but when our eyes met, she froze in the spot. For the past two hours, I was sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka, which was half empty now. Another three bottles were laying around me on the floor. She slowly approached me with more worried than angry expression and sat on the chair on my left. 'What happened?' I focus on her face, trying to read her intentions.

'You know I tried everything. I slept with random, hot people, I went to the best parties in country, I tortured and killed people, I do all kind of drugs, alcohol or anything that you, humans, describe as "fun" and I still don't...' I took a sip from the bottle in my hand. 'I'm tired, Tasha. I shouldn't be here, I...'

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