Doctor - WM

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'Okay, everyone, I have some news.' I stand next to Fury while he tried to bring attention from everyone in the room. Stark looked at me and stopped talking, silencing everyone around him. When every pair of eyes was on me, my new boss smirked. 'This is our new doctor. She'll live with you from now.' I smiled confident while all of them checked me out. What I would give to able to read minds sometimes...

'I'm 24/7 for you. So whenever you need me, it's just one call between us. Now if you excuse me.' Fury dismissed me, and I headed to med wing, feeling all eyes on my back.
Narrator's pov...
'Where did you find her?' Stark examinated the new doctor's ass exactly while she went out of the room. Fury only rollsed his eyes at that.

'She's here to help you as a doctor, nothing more. Don't do anything stupid.' He got out of the room, leaving Avengers to comprehend the situation.

'She's mine.'

'You can't claim her, Stark. She's not a thing.' Romanoff growled at the man.

'We can share her if you want.' He raised his glass at her.

'If you want to "share" her, you need to do it with everyone. Your thoughts are not quiet enough.' Wanda got everyones attention. 'But if I were you, I wouldn't try.' She sent them a serious look and got out of the room.

'Really? Even you Rogers?' Steve only shrugged in response.

'Did you see her?'

'Okay, you got a point. Then it's for her to decide.' Boys nodded to each other, making silence challenge to boost some testosteron, while Natasha smirked on the side.
Reader's pov...
'What are you doing?' I saw Romanoff, who leans on the doors to laboratory.

'Reading your medical history.' I said, taking another paper to my hands. 'Do you need anything?'

'Actually, yes.' She went behind me and bent over my shoulder. 'I think my ankle twisted on last mission. Can you take a look at it, doctor?' I pushed her on the table next to us, trapping between my arms.

'You don't want to test me, Romanoff.' I hissed through my teeth, closing gap between us. 'Now, since you're healthy, get out.' I set her free to sit in my previous position. She quietly escaped the room while I focused back at my work. The thing I hate the most in my life is while someone disturbs me when I'm doing something, especially work.

Not long after I was left alone, Fury called me with emergency. I walked to the operating room, where on the table was laying three times shot Barton.

'What happened?' I asked, preparing myself for surgery.

'He had a close encounter with Winter Soldier.' My heart skipped at the name, but I quickly came back to work.

'Where's everyone? I can't operate him on my own.' Nick, followed my every move when I examined my patient. 'I need help.'

'We don't have anyone. Bruce is in the next room with a dislocated arm and another doctor. You need to deal with it yourself.' I need to stop most of his bleeding before I try to get out the bullets and stitch him.

'If you're useless, get out.' He head to the doors. 'But I'm not a magician, Nick. He lost a lot of blood.' Without more words, he got out, leaving me alone in my own word.
Few hours later...
I washed my hands and undressed myself from all medical clothes. On the corridor, I was met with Natasha, half asleep, Bruce, and surprisingly, Fury.

'How is he?' Woman rushed to me, worried.

'He's stable. I took out all the bullets, and now he's asleep. Will take some time to recover.'

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