Upgrade* - NR & JB

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'Why they send us? It's gonna be a tragedy.' I complained, preparing and hiding my knives.

'Cause you're not mature enough to separate your private life and job?' Natasha sent me a sarcastic smile, which I only clenched jaw in response. Ignore her. She's not worth it.

'If you want start another argument, wait until we finish this. I'm too tired for your shit.' I looked at James in disbelief. This bitch.

'Anyway, you need to...' 'We know what we need to do.' I interrupted Nat, rolling eyes at her. 'We talked about it twice. Next time if you need, you can write the plan down for yourself.' She wanted to say something, but Bucky and I just walked out of the van, heading to the park.

'If I didn't know you for long enough, I'll assume you hate each other.' I only raised shoulders in response. Love is tough man. We walked to some random bench, acting all happy. He sat first and pulled me on his laps.

'Good distraction.' I adjust myself, wrapping my hands around his neck.

'For them or you?' I whispered in his ear, leaning more into his warm embrance.

'Okay, target on your right. Security is looking at you, so play it cool.' Natasha seemed focused, but not only. I heard something more in her tone. Bucky placed his hands on my buttocks, soothing them. Shit, I wish we'd be somewhere else. I immediately slapped myself inside. Focus.

'He's kinda handsome from that angle.' I once again whisper in his ear and see how he clenched his jaws. 'What? I'm observing.' I smiled lightly, feeling how his hand twitched. 'Jealous?' My provocation worked cause he squeezed my butt, making me rock my hips on his laps. I forgot I do that.

'That's a nice reflex.' He commented, getting closer to my neck and leaving sloppy kisses on it. Shit. I tried to distract myself by looking at our target, but tongue on my neck made it way more difficult. 'What else can you do?' He sucked some skin, which I felt strong enough to get turned on more. He repeated his actions a few times without leaving bruises and adding butt squeeze to it. I felt how wet it made me, and I'm certainly not happy about it. My hips rock against growing bulge in his pants. I moved once again, getting caught in the moment, feeling more pleasure between my legs. My clit started throbbing. I didn't feel that much in a long time. Maybe I actually should sleep with someone time to time. I hid my head in the crock of his neck, trying my best to not get any unnecessary sound out of my mouth.

'Target moving.' I looked at my right, away from Bucky. Target was still in place, just talking. I didn't dare to argue with Natasha now. If someone is watching us, they need to believe we're random couple, feeling too comfortable on bench. But she's supposed to help us, not raise our stress level. I felt how Bucky squeezed my butt and suck on my neck at the same time. I let out shaky breath and rock my hips one more time. I could almost feel how he's smirking.

'Transaction in progress.' I whispered into the earpiece, closing gap between me and Bucky to suck some skin on his neck. He got out low growl, which kinda satisfied me.

'Got it. Prepare for arrest.' I heard Natasha and calm down. I don't know where we were going with this "distraction", but I really don't want to find out.
We came back to the base in silence. I was watching our prisoners, while Natasha and Bucky fly the plane. After reporting everything to Fury, I headed to my room for a deserved and needed shower.

Deciding to play it cool, which means ignoring everything what happened, cause we're professionals, I didn't talk to either Nat or Buck. I tried to convince myself that we just didn't meet, but I actually avoided them. Yeah, yeah, we're all grownups, can do whatever the fuck we want, but it's much harder for my overthinking ass than I thought it'd be. Because, what if I gave him wrong signals or what if now he thinks that I'm into him or what if weird Nat behavior is caused by me? I like them both, we're good friends, but I don't want to be with either of them.

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