Past - WM

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'I have more important question.' Tony brought everyone's attention to him. 'Since when we're doing recrutation for someone new?' Avengers looked at him dumbfouded.

'What do you mean?' Bruce asked curious, while Stark sighed loudly.

'They didn't tell you? It's about new recruit.' They looked at each other, figuring out whose got information earlier.

'Fury also announced one important rule.' Natasha started seriously, looking especially at Tony. '"Control yourself around her."' That catch them off guard. What did he mean by it? Only Clint was married, and Thor had a girlfriend, but still thinking they would immediately have thing with new member was stupid.

'So it will be a girl?' Wanda asked, excited.

'That can be part of the problem.' Pietro joked, and his sister punched him playfully in the arm.

'Yes, it will be a girl.' Natasha stated, annoyed, but inside, she was also excited a little. If Fury decided to add someone new to the team, that person needs to be special. The fact that he had already warned them to control themselves around misterious only one added spice to it.

'Shouldn't they be here already?' Rogers joined the conversation, but before anyone could replied Fury walked into the room.

'Great to have all of you in one place. Like some of you know, we have a new addition to the team. She worked undercover for S.H.I.E.L.D., but new information made her more useful here. And before anyone will ask. Yes, she is important, and no, you can not have any private relationship with her. Believe me.'

'You can't tell us what to do. We're adults.' Stark complained, pointing important fact.

'That's a rule number one now. I'm telling you this as your boss.'

'What are the other rules?' Pietro whispered to his sister, and she slapped herself in mind. How we can be related?

'Walk in.' After Fury's demand tall woman entered the room. Everyone looked at her in awe and couldn't take their eyes off. She was wearing a combat suit, which emphasized her figure and made it even harder to look away. The best part was look that can kill, just like Natasha smirked to herself little spice. She looked around, comprehending the whole room and everyone inside, stopping at Wanda.

'You...' Witch whispered and gulped. Disbelief mixed with fear like she would see ghost.

'Wanda.' New recruit smirked proudly. How do you know my name?

'Got a history together?' Fury asked, confused. That's a new thing for him.

'Yeah, we do...' Wanda said, walking to taller woman, but stopped when she spoke.

'And let it be a history.'
Years ago...
'What the hell?' Wanda comprehended whole club in shock. This is not the place she is supposed to be right now. She wanted to turn back to exit when someone grabbed her waist.

'First time?' Tall, blonde woman in short red dress asked seductively, dragging her further to dance area. Even if Wanda wanted to turn back right now, weird stranger wouldn't let her go, and she's way too shy to argue about that. She just needs to wait for Pietro to figure out something is not right, then he will start looking for her. Eventually, maybe he will go to the strip club next door. What a ridiculous plan. 'What's your name, sweetheart?' Blonde girl tried to shout over the music, which wasn't that hard here normally, but right now, they were in the middle of some show.


'Your name.' She said more to her ear this time.

'Ow, I'm Wanda,'

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