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Now or never. I heard how elevator doors opened. My eyes met Captain America with Black Widow on his side. No way out.

'Hi, I'm looking for Tony Stark?' I questioned hesitantly. They looked at me harshly but didn't say anything. After a minute of just staring at each other, I spoke again. 'Can you tell me where I can find him?'

'How can we trust you?' They crossed arms on chests at the same time, and I gulped.

'I'm not a threat, you can ask Maria... I mean agent Hill.' I corrected myself quickly, but they again looked at me weirdly. Before I could explain more, a group of people entered the room.

'What's going on?' I looked at Maria in relief, my Angel. I'm saved. She walked to me, smiling proudly with superiority. 'You're here.'

'Yeah, you won.' I rolled eyes at her. She's the person who forced me to be here today and try to talk to...

'What's this all about?' Speaking of the devil.

'Hello, father.' I smiled lightly at one and only Tony Stark, entering a crowded room.

'Father?!' Right, they obviously don't know about that "mistake", he made years ago.

'Long time not see.' I ignored all eyes on me. If he's too embarrassed to talk about me, I'm not gonna make it more difficult for him.

'What are you doing here? You should...' He seems angry, oh well.

'Never see you again. Yeah, I got that part last time we met.' I walked, standing a few feet in front of him. 'Unfortunately, it wasn't exactly my choice.'

'Really? So, what do you want this time?' He's clearly angry and doesn't want me here. People from his superhero team looked at us, questioning, and I knew it was stupid. He's not ready to accept the past. And me.

'You know what. I thought it was a bad idea and here's my proof. Don't worry, I'm not gonna bother you anymore.' I walked to the exit, feeling how my head started spinning. I grabbed the wall when someone held me by waist, protecting from fall. Not now.

'Easy...' I shaked person away from me.

'I'm fine.'

'What's going on?' Pepper looked at me weirdly, and I felt that unpleasant guilt inside me again. Don't...

'Nothing, I'm just leaving.'

'Stay.' My father surprised me, and I stopped in track. 'I think we need to talk.' I sighed, following him somewhere.

We sat down in his lab while I took a look around. His project, suits, whole Stark's legacy was here. And I still didn't feel like part of it. I never did.

'What is real reason you're here?' I heard that he doesn't want me here. The tone he never gives to anyone else except me shows everything.

'I... My friend told me that maybe it's time to try to face my past. I gave it a shot, and you know...' He exhaled loudly, thinking about something.

'It was years. Maybe... maybe we should try to repair things between us.' He gave me hope. After my mother's death, I wanted to spend some time with him. Get to know him and hear some excuse for what he did. He wasn't on my mom's funeral. I thought he didn't know about it, but when I visited him... We had an argument, in which he clearly told me that we won't see each other again and I am nothing more than a mistake.

'Really?' I asked, showing too much excitement.

'Yeah, we have party tonight. You should come and I will officially introduce you.' I looked at him weirdly. I thought he wanted to repair our relation, not just show me to some friends and repair his image from the whole situation. I'm not even sure if keeping me hidden from the world was that bad in the public eye. Plus, no one except his team knows about me anyway. I don't understand.

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