The fallout - WM

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I was sitting in math class for the past ten minutes bored. The only thing I can think about is to get home, and I'm only in the middle of my lessons now. I heard screaming and following after it shot. My head immediately snapped to the doors. There's a shooter outside. Before anyone had time to start panicking our teacher with cold blood opened window.

'Get out now.' We are on the ground floor, so there's not much chance to hurt yourself while you jump. Everyone runs to our escape, but I turn in the other direction. I guess the rule "avoid-deny-defend" doesn't work when you have powers. I walked quietly out of the classroom, sending my brother a text where he was and if he's okay. At the same time, I headed to art classroom, where I know our cousin and his girlfriend planned to meet. They wanted to skip the rest of the classes, and I needed to make sure they did it. My spider sense helped me to define that attacker was on the first floor now, so I was safe.

When I entered the art classroom, my heart stopped for a second. On the floor were laying two bodies. Scott and Maya were holding hands. I ran to them and turned around to check their pulse. I still was thinking about my brother, who didn't respond to my message. The fact that he had classes next to front doors didn't help as well. My cousin has three holes from bullets, which one of them is straight through heart. I curse under my breath and change my focus on his girlfriend. I can tell her heart's still beating. I checked her injuries, two bullets, better. With her shirt, I tried to stop the bleeding from a leg. When I wanted to look at the hole in her side, I heard steps and stopped everything to hide. I crouched behind the easel, away from doors view. I checked my phone to find out text from Peter: "I'm hiding in girls bathroom next to front doors."

"Don't you dare to move." I replied quickly and opened a conversation with my aunt. If anything happens, I want her to know that I'm really thankful to have her. I heard how shooters enter the classroom but stop after seeing bodies.

'Motherfuckers.' I heard my very old friend and my heart stopped once again. He ran away, so I got out from my hidding spot and after checking one more time that the way was safe I sprinted to bathroom, which my brother was in.

'Peter, it's me.' I whispered, walking inside, trying to sense where he was hiding.

'We're here.' I heard him and opened the last cabine. Without any words, I gave him a tight hug. Seeing him alive made me happy inside.

'Are you alright?' Feminine voice grounded me again. I looked down, and my clothes were completely covered in blood.

'Yeah, it's not mine. Come on, we need to get out.' I walked to the side wall and pointed at the small window. 'Your way out, I will help you.' Peter looked at me, questioning. The window was too high to climb by yourself, but it was low enough to do it with little help.

'But you...'

'Now.' I demanded and gave him hands to stand on them. He climbed on me, opening the window.

'Now you.' I said to the redhead girl and help her. 'You run next to the wall and to parking, understand?' That's a way away from windows.

'And you?' Peter asked, worried, when I heard the same steps again.

'Now.' I halfed yell and when they actually did it, I hid myself in one of the cabines. He entered the bathroom. I heard how he checked every toilet kicking the doors. How I will fight someone with a gun? I don't have anything on me now. Just before he went to open mine, police sirens resounded outside, scaring him. I need to be very lucky today. He left me alone, but I didn't initially plan to stay here. I needed to check on Maya, her pulse was weak before.

Carefully, I got out and headed back to the art classroom. The shooter was a few meters from me, but so should be police at this point. I kneeled next to the girl and checked her heartbeat. When I found nothing, I started CPR. Don't give up now.

'Hands!' I heard officers and look at the corridor. Tom was standing here with a gun in one hand, pointed at the ground and one hidden at his back. I focus on the second and realize he's holding granade. Without much complaining, I shout at the top of my lungs.

'Help!' He's head snap to me, raising a gun. I watched how he got shot multiple times and fell on the ground dead. Four officers entered the classroom with guns pointed at me. 'She lost a lot of blood and stopped breathing a few minutes ago.' They looked at me susspicious, but I didn't stop what I was doing. One of them kneeled in front of me.

'Change on three. One, two, three.' I moved away with my hands in the air. One man settled me next to the wall while I looked empty at my cousin's body. Quick after paramedics went in and continued CPR. Officer try talk to me, but I ignored him. My eyes fixed on Maya, which still wasn't breathing. After one shot from the defibrillator, she came back. I sighed deeply in relief.

'Are you injured?' Older policeman kneeled next to me.

'No.' I shaked my head on the sides. I looked again at Scott, and tears filled my eyes.

'She's alive because of you.' He smiled lightly, but I couldn't. I just lost close member of my family. He was like brother to me. 'You're alright?' Before I could answer, another officer approached us.

'Sir, he doesn't have ID.'

'Tom Adamson was a shooter.' Man in front of me looked questioning. 'Body here is my... My cousin, Scott Whilliams. And the girl you took. Her name is Maya Aberton, and I can give you number to her parents.' He's around forty years old probably, and I feel like he never deals with teenagers like me. I don't know why, but his eyes tell me how sorry he is. 'Just ask officer.'

'Why did you shout? You could die.'

'He was holding granade. I can assure you, it wasn't for him.' With that, I stood up, ready to get out of the crime scene. The policeman was in shock but didn't say anything. This is not an everyday situation for any of us. He helped me walk past Tom's body, while a single tear fell on my chick. We got out of school, and I immediately started searching for Peter. He ran to me, and I just hugged him tightly.

'I thought that I lost you.' He sobbed to my arm while I tried my hardest to not broke in front of him.

'I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere.' I assure him with small smile. The officer left us alone while I heard another important person in my life. Aunt May run to us.

'I got your message and drive here immediately. Are you alright?' She asked me already hugging Peter. I just stand there at the edge of tears.

'He's dead.' I mumbled, and she walked to me. 'Scott didn't make it, May.' I whispered while she hugged me. She knows how close we got past year. I drag Peter to my side and hug him too. We stayed in this position for a while.

'I think it's time to go home.' She took my brother and went to the car while I was stopped by the same girl I helped in a bathroom.

'Hey, I just wanted to thank you for helping me in that bathroom.' I smile slightly to her.

'It's really nothing big, I was in a good place at the good time.'

'Maybe, but you still risk your life for me. So thank you.' She wanted to say something when tall, blonde boy approached us. 'That's my brother Pietro. Pietro, this is a girl who helped me.' She introduced us, and I squeezed his hand.

'Hi, I'm so thankful that you got in action. She was terrified when I found her.'

'It's really not a big deal. I'm sorry, I need to go now. But I will catch you someday...' I started walking to May's car direction.

'Wanda!' She shouted, and I wave at goodbye. I don't feel proud of myself. Many students died or got injured, but if I would do something more, maybe there won't be so many victims. With great power comes great responsibility. I failed.


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