Professor* - NR

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Walking back at campus was kind of exciting after two months of free time, but also tiriding. It was the best summer in my entire life, and I'm not happy how fast it ended.

'Hi!' Carol jumped at me with wide smile. I hugged her tightly.

'Hi. I missed you.' I said when she straightened her back.

'I missed you too.' She pouted cutely. 'We need to see each other often than once two weeks.'

'It's not my fault you decided to fly to Egipt last minute.' I mummbled, rolling eyes at her. 'At least I got some photos.'

'I know, I know. Believe me, it'd be so much more fun with you there.' She waved energetic at Wanda, and I smiled widely. 'Next year we need to go together.'

'Where?' Redhead asked cheerfully, hugging both of us.

'Vacation. Some exotic, hot country.'

'It's our first day back, and you're already thinking about vacation? That'll be a long year.' I chuckled at Carol, who looked like a grumpy child. 'Yeah, anyway. How things with you and Val? What? I saw your story, chill.'

'Good, I guess. We have fun together.' Carol said sheepishly, and I'm sure there's more to it.

'Ohh, summer love. Make me go back to high school...' I faked vomit at the thought. 'Hey!' Wanda punched me in the head lightly.

'Ugh, what was that for? You know I hated our high school.'

'Okay, sorry. But it was fun sometimes. At least we spent more time together. Now, I don't even know who you're crushing on anymore.'

'Exactly, what with you?' I slightly blushed at the question. 'Any summer love?'

'Aren't we too old for that?' I asked playfully. And they gasped theatrically.

'Spit it out. How dare you?' Carol demanded, and I rolled eyes at her, raising my hands in defensive gesture. 'Good.'

'Anyway. Did you hear about a new teacher?' Wanda smirked, catching my attention.

'Which one?'

'From russian.. Wait, isn't that your course this year.' We headed to the main building.

'Yep.' I answered pessimistic. 'What did you hear?' I knew she was waiting for this question. Wanda loves gossip. She's not talking shit about others, but she knows every smallest news. People just like to talk to her, and she listens to everyone. Later, she comes to us to spit the tea. She's that stereotipical popular girl from high school, except the fact that we're in college.

'I heard that she's very strict and not many students have passed her courses. She's the type of teacher that will actually force you to learn and not just wish for good luck.' I sighed in resignation. I'm the type of student who likes to learn, but I also really want to just pass the year without many complications. 'Sorry.' She apologized, and I waved hand at her.

'I chose this. Now, I'm gonna pay for it.' Maybe because it's my extra course, it's not gonna be that bad...

'Besides...' Her eyes sparkled with excitement. Carol and I raised eyebrows at her expression. 'She's incredibly hot.' Carol chuckled at her statement.

'And since when you're the one who look at that?'

'Yeah, that's her role.' Danvers pointed at me with a smile, and I just rolled my eyes at them. Maybe I was the one who crushed on our high school chemistry teacher... But now I grew up, and... nothing changed, actually. I still prefer older women. Now, instead of crushing on them, I sleep with them.

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