Anniversary pt.2

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'What happened?' Fury asked, worried, looking at me, and I just wipped the tears that couldn't stop purring from my eyes. I hesitate before answering. I don't want anyone pity. It's not gonna change anything. I shake my head on the sides, in silent "nothing". 'Is that about what happened a year ago?' Fury asked again with a more sternly voice than before. Flashbacks went through my head, and another wave of sadness hit me.

'I killed her.' I mumble, my voice cracked in the middle of the sentence. My vision became completely blurry, and I squeezed my hands harder. I see the picture of my mother in the puddle of blood, with a hole between her eyes. The gun in my right hand was almost visible again. I felt that heavy weight on my shoulders, which hit harder by the second time. The eternal feeling inside my chest grows bigger. The emptiness, the guilt, and that overwhelming powerless came back. 'I pulled the trigger.' I said louder, and for the first time, I admitted that. I looked at Fury and saw his mixed face. 'I should do something, try...' I stopped myself and swallowed. 'I don't deserve to be here.'

I whispered and took the opportunity to get the director's gun out of his holster. In second, I pulled out a knife from my own pocket and overturned man in front of me on the ground. I sat on his abdomen. My right hand with the knife made its way to his throat, and my left one put other weapons to the side of his head. Everything took place in seconds. Avengers made their fighting poses, and with the time I could easily kill him already, their weapons are pointed at me, but no one shoot or move.

'Why...' I asked in the same position, my voice full of sadness. I can't even control it right now. 'Why don't you do anything?' I looked up and took a look at the whole group. They're confused. 'You treat me like shit every day. And when I'm actually threatening one of you...' I spit, raising my voice. My head fell down, and I felt as Fury's hand took the gun away. The angriness escaped my body, and I started crying again. The tears fell on the face under me. 'I don't deserve that.' My body's trembling, and I lose grip on knife slightly. 'She should be here, not me.' I whispered to myself.

'You couldn't do anything.' I heard Wanda's voice, but didn't change my position. 'You weren't aware what was going on.'

'Stop, I could try. I should control my body.' I attacked back. She doesn't know...

'I saw your memories.' I froze in my spot. 'It wasn't your choice. They used you. It was your body, but not your mind.'

'But I failed.' I mumbled, whipping tears from my eyes and cheeks. 'I lost control and...' My voice died in my throat. What am I doing? I wasn't trained for this. I stabbed my forearm, and all senses came back to me. I stood up and looked at Wanda, whose eyes were fixated on my wound. I stepped back while blood pulled on the ground. I calmed down completely, feeling only physical pain.

'Why did you do that?' Witch asked me carefully. I hate that fake consent.

'Don't act like you care.' The bitterness is clearly audible. The emotions drowned out with adrenaline, and now it's just the same old tone of boredom.

'But we do.' I almost laugh. Is she serious?

'I tried so hard to make a bond with any of you. And you treated me like an enemy.' I press the wound to not lose too much blood.

'Listen...' Stark started, and I looked at him angrily. 'We read the report from a year ago. We saw the bodies and figured out how they were killed.'

'That's not an excuse.' I pointed out.

'You need to try to understand our side.'

'Why should I try to understand you if you never tried to do the same thing for me?' I cut off Rogers.

'The only thing we knew was that you killed a lot of people.' Stark started again. 'And you did it in the ways they only suffered more. It was carnage. We saw many things in our lives, but that...'

'Do you think I'm proud of it?' I whispered more to myself. The revenge should ease the pain, but it didn't. Maybe it made everything even worse...

'We are so sorry that none of us was mature enough to talk to you.' Wanda's voice reminds me of my mom and how she cared about everyone. 'Can you give us one more chance?' She stands next to me, still looking at knife in my arm, probably judging how bad it is.

'A few months ago...' I looked at Fury, ignoring her question. 'Before I joined. You said that if anyone can understand me, it's them.' Single tear fell on my cheek. 'I killed my mother and many innocent people, ruined families. There's nothing I can do to change that. Fix it. It's impossible to understand me.' I lowered my head and looked at the ground. Fury approached me, giving me a side hug to not touch my injured arm.

'If I knew what's going on, I would take you to my house sooner.' I didn't see that, but he sent a disappointed look to Avengers. 'Come on, let's do something with the knife in your forearm.' We left the main room and went to medbay.

Narrator's pov...
'We messed up.' Rogers stated the most obvious thing.

'No shit Sherlock.' Stark mumbled, clearly angry.

'Wanda, what did you see?' Natasha caught everyone attention.

'Her memories from year ago. How she killed all these people, soldiers and blew up part of the base. Then she got out, screamed painfully, and fell down to lay on the snow without moving for the next hours. S.H.I.E.L.D. found her almost frozen to death, covered in blood with many small injuries.' Wanda lowered her head while Avengers looked at each other.

'So what can we do now?' Clint thought about his own kids and how terrible needs to feel a fifteen years old kid after killing her mother.

'We ignored her for six months. What do you think, Birdboy? She hates us.'

'We need try to fix it.' Captain words came out like an order.

'Or not.'

'What do you mean "or not"?'

'Fury can take her to his house, where she's gonna be safe.' Banner shrugged.

'You can't be serious, Bruce.' Wanda stood up in disbelief. 'We call ourselves heroes, who protect the Earth, while we can't even take good care of one kid under our rooftop.'

'She's right.' Fury came back to the room. 'That kid went through a lot. And like she said, I thought that if anyone could understand her, it was you. But apparently, I was wrong.'

'Why didn't you tell us about her mother?'

'I didn't know exactly what happened. We have been investigating this case for so long.'

'Yeah, but you still gave us one casualty raport which highlighted the cruelty of the attacker. How we possibly could react other way when we didn't know if she's not gonna slit our throats in sleep?!' Stark vents to his emotions, letting angriness and frustration out.

'You couldn't.' The most important person in this whole situation came back to the room without knife in her arm. For the first time, everyone looks at her with concern. 'I never wanted to be who I am right now. I also don't want to make more troubles than I already did.' She looked at Fury and smiled lightly. 'Whatever you decide to do with me, I'm gonna obey your order.'

'This isn't about what I will order you. It's about what you want.' Fury stated calmly.

'We both know that's not true. I never had a choice. And now my life is in your hands.' He hugs her tightly. After he discovered what girl went through, he thought that he made sure she won't suffer anymore.

'If you give us another chance, we will try to make it up to you those past months.' Wanda came closer to her. 'I can promise that you won't feel like an intruder here again.' Girl slowly hugged Witch.

'It's too late for that.' She whispered, knowing that she couldn't stay here anymore.


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