Coming out - MH

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Me and Maria were sitting on my bed with a bottle of vodka and a bowl of chips, watching some stupid TV show. Our parents would freak out knowing that we're drinking alcohol under legal age, so good for us we're alone tonight.

We've been friends since kindergarten, and I really have no idea when it passed. I'd never think that one complement about the shirt can give true friendship to the high school and hopefully years more.

'I think that Hunter is cute, but personally, I would choose Chase.' I focused on the television again, taking sip from almost empty bottle.

'Mmm.' I mumbled when alcohol burned my throat. 'You have terrible taste.'

'Excuse me?' She looked at me offended. 'And you think who should she choose?'

'It's only one right answer.' I stuffed my mouth with chips, looking at the screen again.

'And it's...?' She asked, annoyed.

'Sandra! Hello.' Her gaze told me that she's so confused or she's smiling. I can't really tell anymore. 'She's hot, have kinda shitty, but kinda cute character... Oh, come on. Are you blind?'

'No.' I raised my eyebrows at her response. 'You realized that there's only woman-man pairs, right?'

'It would be so much more interesting if they'll allow homosexual pairs.'

'Do you want to share something with me?' She straightened her back, and I sent her puzzled look. 'Since when do you pay attention to women's appearance?'

'Emmm, since I fell in love with our teacher, daa?'

'And when did you plan to tell me that? And which teacher, anyway?'

'From chemistry.' Cheesy smile creeped on my lips.

'From all of them, Scarlett, really?'

'She can take me in every position whenever she wants.' I sighed when few images filled my head.

'Hey. Earth here.' She snapped fingers in front of my face. 'Mmm.' I mumbled, smiling widely. 'Want to share something?'

'I'm bi. Isn't it obvious?' I put another handful of chips to my mouth.

'Wait, since when?' She grabbed the bottle and finished alcohol in it.

'Don' know. You figure it out at some age. Or not, right? I did... I think. But since I was born, I guess.'

'How long do you know?' She seems genuinely interested. Weird.

'Few years maybe.' I shrugged.

'You want to tell me that you like man and woman and others for many years and you're still single.'

'I appreciate their appearance.' I know where this is going. This joke is classic.

'Honey, you're not bisexual. You're by yourself.' She chuckled, and a wave of sadness washed over me. Instead of laughing, I lowered my head. Somehow, it hit different.

'That's not true. I have you.' I grabbed her hands and squeezed them a little. On the edge of tears, mumbling. 'I'll always have you.'
She leaned forward and gave me a peck on the lips.

'You're so cute when you're drunk.' Her smile made my soul lighter.

'I'm not drunk.' She only smiled at my response, shaking her head on the sides.

'Of course, you're not.'

'Wait, did you...' My mind tries it hardest to comprehend what happened. Did she just kiss me?

'You're cute when you're blushing too.' I felt warm on my cheeks stronger than before, and I'm pretty sure it's not from the alcohol. Wait, where were we?
I looked confused at Maria, whose smiling like child with lollipop.

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