4. Drinks

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"I've just got to go into work for like an hour. Are you sure you're going to be fine?" Callum asked for the millionth time as we walked towards a cafe that was nearby.

"Callum, I said I'm fine. I know my way around everything, I think I'll be okay. Just text me when you're done and I'll let you know if I went anywhere else. Relax, I'll be fine." I laughed. It was sweet that he was worried about what I would do while he was working, but I really didn't care. I wanted to come into town with him this morning so that I wasn't stuck in the house while everyone else was gone.

"I'll text you as soon as I'm done. Or if I'm going to be there any longer." He gave me a quick hug before I practically shoved him off so that he could go to work. If he needed to work longer, I really didn't care. It's not like I had anything else to do so it was the least of my worries.

I walked into the small cafe, immediately inhaling the fresh scent of coffee. I smiled and walked up to the counter, waiting behind an older lady who was asking a bunch of questions about coffee and their food. I pulled out my phone while I waited, seeing a text from Larissa.

Larissa- Hey babes. How are things going?
Me- Things are fine. Getting coffee while Callum runs to the office.
Larissa- How's the boy situation?
Me- Weird.
Larissa- Define?
Me- Call you in a min.

I shoved my phone into my pocket when the lady finally finished her order and took a step forward so I could order a coffee.

"Hi! Welcome to Sunrise Cafe, how can I help you?" I looked up at the woman behind the counter, immediately recognizing her as someone that went to high school with the boys and I. I prayed that she didn't notice who I was. She was a couple years older than me, so I was hopeful that she wouldn't. I wasn't in the mood for any more chats about how my life was going.

"Can I just get an iced coffee with half and half?" I asked as I pulled my wallet out of my purse.

"Of course! Can I get a name for the order?" She said as she put the order into the system.

"Avery." I said as I took my card out.

"Avery Jones!" She practically squealed. "I thought that was you! You look great girl, oh my gosh. It's been years!"

My shoulders visibly sank when she realized who I was. "Yeah it's been a while." I said quietly.

"You moved to California right? What a dream! What's it like?" She asked, her voice overly cheerful.

I handed her my card, hoping that it would speed up the process. "Yeah I did a couple years ago. It's great."

She swiped my card and handed it back to me. "Your brother's getting married soon, right? Did you and Sawyer ever end up together? I always thought the two of you would make the cutest couple. Whenever the three of you were together, it was so sweet." She smiled at me as she continued to ask questions about my life.

I put my card back in my wallet and looked up at her, confusion written all over my face. She thought it was cute that I hung out with my brother and his best friend? I wouldn't call that cute or sweet. "Uhh, no. We're just... friends." I said, unsure if we were even friends at this point in life.

"Well, who knows what will happen now that you're back home! Never say never." She grinned.

"Have a nice day." I said and walked to the other end of the counter so I could escape the conversation. I quickly pulled my phone out again and dialed Larissa's number. "Please come save me." I said the second she answered the phone.

"Oh god, what did he do?" She laughed, assuming I was talking about Sawyer.

"It's only been like 3 days and I feel like I have so much to tell you." I laughed. I started to tell her about the small interactions I've had with Sawyer since being back. I decided I'd wait until I was out of the coffee shop before telling her about the interaction I had with Madison, the girl from the behind the counter.

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