16. Fireworks

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It had been a couple of days of staying with Sawyer without Callum and Dani around. Things had been going well, but they were still puzzling because I had no idea what we were. We'd been sleeping in his room together and we'd seen each other naked a ridiculous amount of times over the span of a few days. We made out a lot, in his room, in the kitchen, on the couch, literally every part of his house which made me feel that our relationship was more of a friends with benefits kind of thing. 

But on the other side of things, he'd brought me coffee on his way home from work one day, I'd made him dinner one night, and we cuddled or held hands on the couch or in the car when we'd go somewhere. All of this was just making the emotional side of things that much more confusing. 

I wanted to bring it up again, but it had only been a couple of days and I wasn't trying to freak him out about anything so I kept reminding myself that we were going with the flow and seeing what happened. We still had about a week and a half before Dani and Callum got home anyway. I think I wanted to fully soak up the time that I had with just the two of us a little longer because I had a feeling that things were going to change when the two of them came back home. 

I wondered if everything would stop when they got back, if we'd have to be secretive about it, or if he'd tell Callum. I can just imagine the conversation...

"Hey! Welcome back from your honeymoon. How was it? Good? That's great, oh while you were gone I hooked up with your sister. Hope that's okay?" 

I know that I made a big deal about being my own person and being more than Callum's little sister, but I did understand why it was a big deal to Sawyer. The thought of telling my brother about whatever this was was kind of horrifying. I had absolutely no idea if he'd be angry or if he'd be happy about it. Callum was a really nice guy, so a part of me thought that if he was upset, he wouldn't be upset for very long because he would just want the two of us to be happy, even if that meant it was uncomfortable for him. 

I think it was just confusing for me after the conversation I had with Sawyer about him looking at me differently before I moved away. It did help me to make sense of the way he acted towards me though, he had no idea what to do with his feelings and so he thought it was best to push me away. I think that's why he'd been so back and forth after I got back home too. It was just a lot to take in and a lot to handle. We went from good friends, to distant friends, to gifting me something before I moved, to me putting that special gift in a box somewhere, to no contact, to coming home and being flirty, to rude jokes, to making out, to our confusing whateveritscalledship. 

It was definitely a lot to take in and a lot to handle. 

"You're thinking about something." Sawyer's voice broke me from my thoughts. I glanced over at him through the sunglasses that I was wearing. We were sitting on the beach, Sawyer was sporting a blue pair of swim trunks and a pair of sunglasses that covered his green eyes. I was sitting next to him in a red bikini. It wasn't crazy hot outside, it was actually the most comfortable sort of warm. The sun was out and it was honestly perfect Fourth of July weather. 

"How'd you know?" I asked with a light laugh. 

Sawyer chuckled. "You normally answer me when I ask you a question." 

I stretched my arms over my head before I rolled over on the towel I was sitting on so that I was laying on my stomach. I crossed my arms and rested my cheek on them so that I was still looking at him. "Oh shoot, sorry. What was your question?" 

"I was asking if you wanted to come to my game on Friday." He repeated himself. 

Jesus, I totally zoned out on him. I'd forgotten we were even talking about his job. 

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