12. Cancelled

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I watched as Sawyer pulled the bag that held his suit out of the closet, laying it across the bed. My legs sat crossed, my elbows resting on my legs as I leaned forward to watch him. 

"Is this fun for you to watch?" He asked with a laugh. 

I nodded and shot him a smile. "Yes, very much so. I've always been very interested in how men get their shit together for important events." I giggled. 

Sawyer laughed and sat down on the bed in front of me, his legs hanging off the side so his feet were still on the ground. "Shouldn't you be getting your shit together?" He asked pointedly. 

I shook my head. "My shit has been together for days now. I am a girl, that's what I do." I laughed. "My dress is already downstairs and my bag is packed by the steps. The only thing I need to do today is put some shorts on." 

Sawyer grinned as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. I quickly adjusted my legs so they were straddling him instead of crossed.  "You don't have to put on pants." He held my hips, bunching the shirt I had on under his grasp. "Kind of like it when you aren't wearing any." 

"Sawyer Evans. Did you just hit on me?" I joked. 

He chuckled and leaned forward, pressing a light kiss to my lips. "Don't act like you don't like it." 

I grinned against his lips before I pulled back. "I'll admit to no such thing. But maybe I'll admit it later if you tell me that you also like the dress that I'm wearing." 

Sawyer grinned, kissing me again before saying, "I'm sure that you're going to look hot, but I can't wait to finally see the mystery dress that you keep going on about. Hiding it from me like it's a wedding dress and we're the ones getting married." 

I groaned, shoving his shoulders. "God, Callum and I also joked about Dani and I acting like it's my wedding dress. Why are we all the same person?" 

"Please do not say I am the same person as your brother, things will get weird fast." He laughed. 

"Things are already weird, but I see your point. I take it back, I take it back." I was going to lean in and kiss him again when my phone started to ring. "Shit, hang on." I leaned over and grabbed my phone off the bed, Sawyer's hands never leaving my hips so that he could pull me back onto his lap after I grabbed it. I didn't even have a chance to say anything after answering because all I could hear was Dani freaking out and what sounded like crying but I couldn't understand her. 

"Whoa, whoa! Dani! What's going on?!" I immediately started assuming the worst. Was she getting cold feet? Did Callum back out? Did someone get hurt? She was crying so hard, I literally couldn't understand anything that she was saying on the other side of the line. 

"Dani, I can't understand you. I need you to take a breath and tell me what happened." I said calmly. Sawyer was watching me, both of us wearing concerned looks on her face. He silently asked me what was going on and I shrugged, mouthing to him that she was crying. 

"I... she... canceled..." Was all she could get out. 

I ran a hand through my hair as I tried to make sense of the little she had given me to work with. "Who canceled?" I was trying to think of all of the people that would have canceled on her. There were so many different people, I couldn't even begin to think of who she was talking about. I heard some scuffling over the other end of the line, it sounded like someone else was trying to calm her down. I sat there, waiting for someone to tell me what was going on when her sister started to talk. 

"Hey Avery. Sorry, mom took Dani outside so she could try to get her to calm down but we're all kind of freaking out. The girl that was supposed to do Dani's makeup canceled on her. I told her I'd try to help her but I'm definitely not as skilled as what she wants. She wanted to call you, but she's really stressed out now.." I listened to Rebecca explain what was going on, my eyes immediately widening. 

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