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Three years later

I practically sprinted to the front door of my brother's house, eager to finally be home to meet the new baby. I tried not to slip in the snow that covered the ground, but even if I had it was truly the least of my worries. Sawyer and I had gotten into town late last night and both of us knew that it was too late to come visit. We were staying at Sawyer's dad's place as I didn't want to overcrowd Callum and Dani. I could hardly sleep, I was too excited to wake up and visit the new family. I'd been getting constant updates from Callum and Dani throughout her pregnancy and even after the little one was here, but it killed me that I couldn't actually be home for the birth. I'd been counting down the days until we arrived back in Maine so we could finally meet the little one. 

"Babe, hurry up oh my god!" I groaned, waiting for Sawyer to meet me at the door. 

"Go in without me, weirdo. You don't need to wait, this is your brother's house, not mine." He said with a laugh as he closed the car door and started up the steps to the front door. 

Fair point.

I knocked on the door and walked in quietly, unsure if the baby was sleeping or not. "Hello?" I said quietly when I walked in, not seeing anyone in the living room. 

Callum walked into the living room seconds later, a smile on his face. "Aves!" He quickly walked over to me and wrapped me in a hug. "Hi sis." 

I hugged him and smiled, "Hello!" I was still talking quietly, still unsure if the baby was asleep or not. 

"You don't need to be quiet, she's awake. Dani's just in the nursery feeding her, she'll be out in a couple minutes." He said with a laugh. 

I heard Sawyer shut the front door behind me a couple seconds later. Callum grinned and gave his best friend a welcome home hug. 

"How's California life treating you, man?" He asked, even though they talk to each other literally all the time.

After almost two years of doing long distance, Sawyer made the move to California. Both of us had gone back and forth for quite some time, trying to decide if he wanted to move to California with me or if I wanted to move back home to Maine with him. We both traveled back and forth as often as we could, for a while I did more than he did because of everything going on with his mom. I never minded though, I wanted to be there for him however I could. 

His mom passed away and while I was home for the funeral, he told me that he wanted to move in with me. I made him wait. I knew the reason he wanted to make the sudden move and I knew that it didn't actually help the grieving process. He helped his dad get a couple of things in order and a few short months after that, he said he was actually ready to make the move. 

I had to sit down and talk to Larissa to tell her that Sawyer wanted to move in with me. Our apartment wasn't big and I had no idea how we were going to make that work. Funny enough, she told me that after our lease was up, she was looking to move in with her girlfriend and needed to talk to me about that anyway. 

It worked out, she moved out and into her girlfriend's place and I officially took over the apartment with Sawyer. Things had been going really well between us. I think we were both a little nervous to see what life would look like officially living together, but everything had been working out really well. 

"It's definitely different from being home, but it's nice. I like being out there." He said with a smile. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. "It's nice not having to jump back and forth anymore too, just being able to be with Ave all the time." 

Callum fake gagged. "Gross." He said but then laughed. "Just kidding, I'm glad that things are going well." 

I was about to respond when I heard a door open. My eyes immediately shot down the hall where Dani was walking out holding their daughter. 

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