13. Squeeze

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I sat back down at the table after setting my plate of food down. I was happy that I was seated at the table with Sawyer and his parents. I knew exactly why Callum had seated me with him and his family, but I was sure that Callum did not know why that made me as happy as it did. I hadn't seen Sawyer's parents in years, but I obviously had heard that his mom wasn't doing well. She looked a lot skinnier than what she had the last time I'd seen her and she definitely looked tired. But she also looked like she was trying to remain in good spirits. Sawyer's dad had gotten her food for her and she looked at him with so much love when he returned with it, it was honestly adorable.

"Avery, sweetheart I know I've said this already but it's so good to see you again. You look so beautiful." His mom said to me as we were eating dinner.

I smiled over at her. "It's good to see you again too, Mrs. Evans." I definitely didn't know Sawyer's parents like Callum did, Callum referred to them as mom and dad but he was literally always with Sawyer when we were growing up. I saw them at football games or parties, but I obviously wasn't as close with them as he was. They were always extremely nice to me though, so it really was good to see them again. "Pretty weird that Callum is married, right?" I laughed.

Sawyer's dad laughed at my comment. His mom smiled again. "It's nice to see him so happy. Maybe one day I'll get to see this one get married." She pointed at Sawyer who shook his head awkwardly.

"Jesus, mom." He practically scoffed.

"You're acting like I said you're going to go off and get married tomorrow. I'm just saying, it'd be nice to be able to see my baby boy get married."

I nudged Sawyer and whispered, "Be nice to her."

He gave me a look before shaking his head and returning to his food. The four of us carried on talking while we ate, telling stories about Callum and Sawyer when they were younger, each one making me laugh harder than the last. It was fun getting to hear Sawyer's parent's sides to stories. I'd been a part of plenty of their stories growing up, but of course they had their fair share without me. I'd heard them talk about different things and funny memories on lots of occasions, but it was fun getting to certain things from his parents point of view. I could tell that they really did love Callum almost as much as they loved Sawyer and I thought it was incredibly sweet.

Eventually, the DJ got on his microphone again to let everyone know that they'd be doing the first dance followed by the parent dances. I internally cringed when he said dances because I wondered if he'd forgotten that Callum wouldn't actually get to have one.

I turned in my chair so that I could watch as Callum and Dani walked onto the dance floor and started dancing to the song that had started to play. I smiled, watching my big brother dance with my new sister in law. I watched them talk while they danced, I watched them laugh at each other, I loved watching how in love they were. I loved seeing them so happy together.

When the song ended, Callum walked off of the dance floor and Dani's dad took his spot. I sucked in a breath as soon as the song started to play, emotions quickly coming to the surface as I watched her dance with her dad. I knew that this moment would be difficult, but I had underestimated the emotions that were surfacing. Watching her with her dad, I was so incredibly happy for her that she was getting to share this special moment with him. But it hurt to know that I wasn't going to be able to experience this with my dad one day.

I felt a hand under the table touch my thigh and I looked down, seeing Sawyer offering his hand to me. I quickly took it and he interlocked our fingers together, his thumb gently rubbing back and forth on my hand as if to tell me that I was okay. I used my other hand to wipe under my eyes as I watched the two of them dance. It was almost as if Sawyer was listening to my breathing or at least paying attention to it, because every time I'd tense and my breathing would get caught, he'd squeeze my hand as if to tell me to relax or take a breath.

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