8. Whiplash

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A knock at my door, followed by my brother's voice forced me to sit up in bed. I felt like I'd been hit by a truck, literally every part of my body hurt.

"Come in," I groaned in hopes that he'd hear me. Callum walked into the room seconds later, looking just as bad as I felt. "What on earth do you want?" I didn't even know what time it was, but I wanted to be left alone.

Callum took in my appearance and nodded. "Me too, sis. Me too." He leaned against the door frame, not walking fully into the room. "Dani and I, unfortunately, need to run out for a couple of hours. I was going to ask if you wanted to come into town, but I'm going to assume the answer is no. So instead I'll say there's a pot of coffee, I just made it."

As much as I appreciated him asking me if I wanted to go with him, he was right in assuming I absolutely did not want to go anywhere. "Thanks, but I'm not leaving this house today." I brought my hands to my head, letting out a soft groan. "I will take some coffee though, I'll grab some in a couple minutes."

Callum nodded. "Cool, text me if you need anything while we're out."

"Will do." I said before he walked out of the room. I stretched my legs out as I tossed the covers off my them and stood up. I was currently wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, I thought about changing out of it but quickly decided against it. I grabbed my purse that was sitting on a desk in the bedroom and pulled out my glasses, pushing them onto my face. I didn't wear them often, but my eyes were feeling extra blurry this morning. I grabbed my phone off the charger, shoving it into my pocket before I made my way to the bathroom.

I did a quick check to see if Sawyer was in the bathroom and when I realized he wasn't, I slipped in so I could use it and brush my teeth. Once I was finished, I ran a brush through my hair and pulled it into a quick side braid. "Good enough." I mumbled as I walked out of the bathroom.

I heard the front door close right as I was making my way downstairs, letting me know that Callum and Dani had gone. I made my way into the kitchen, inhaling the scent of the freshly brewed coffee that my brother promised. I saw an empty mug next to the coffee pot, it made me smile because I couldn't remember which cabinet held the mugs. I opened the fridge and pulled out the coffee creamer, pouring some into my cup as well as the coffee. Once I was finished, I shuffled over to the back door so I could sit outside.

Immediately after opening the door, I was hit with a bit of a breeze. It wasn't cold by any means, but the breeze sent chills up my exposed arms. I sat down at one of the chairs, bringing my feet up into the chair as well and holding my coffee close to me.

The fresh air was what I needed. Breathing it in immediately made me feel less sick than I did curled up in bed. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the chair, my mind thinking back to the previous night's events.

Taking shot after shot with the boys.

Sawyer telling me to dance with him.

The car ride home, Sawyer's hand on my thigh.

Sawyer kissing me.

I sucked in a breath, remembering the feel of his lips against mine. The way he mumbled fuck it right before he grabbed me. The way he told me that it was a good kiss but he didn't want me to have regrets in the morning.

I didn't have regrets, Sawyer. I want to do it again.

I remembered the way his leg pressed against me, the way that one simple action sent a million tiny volts of electricity right through me. I wanted to feel it again from him, but I wanted more than that.

I could feel my body getting hot and I knew I needed to think about something else. I set my coffee down on the table and pulled my phone out of my pocket. My eyes widened when I saw the time, it was already almost 1pm. I also saw that I had a bunch of missed texts from Larissa. I opened the text thread to read the messages, only I found a couple from myself last night that I didn't remember sending to me.

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