33. Reminders

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I felt so sick to my stomach as my brother pulled up to the airport. When I told him that I needed to stop at Sawyer's place on the way there, he looked at me like I was crazy. I told him that it was something I needed to do before I left and that it would take less than five minutes. I had no intention of talking to him, I simply wanted to drop off the letter that I'd written to him. 

Whether or not he was going to take the time to read it, I had no idea. I couldn't control what he did with it, all I could do was drop it off to him and hope for the best. 

When we arrived at his house, the Jeep wasn't in the driveway which let me know that he wasn't home. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that I wasn't actually going to run into him. Callum tried to apologize, he thought I needed to talk to Sawyer. I told him I didn't need to talk to him, that I just needed to drop something off. 

He pulled into the driveway and I quickly got out of the car. I pulled the letter out of my purse and walked to the front door. I looked around for a minute, wondering where to put it to make sure that he'd see it. I bent down, lifting up the corner of the welcome mat and sticking the envelope partially under it. When I took a step back, you could clearly see the envelope so I was hoping that he would notice it. 

I got back into the car and Callum drove away, questioning what I'd left for him. I just told him that I had a couple things that I wanted to tell him before I left and that I'd left it there for him to read himself if he wanted to. He didn't question me further, I think he understood that I didn't want to explain anything else to him and that it was simply something that I felt I needed to do before I left for California. 

He pulled the car up to the curb and put it in park. Dani, Callum and I all excited the car. Callum opened up the trunk and started to pull my bags out while Dani wrapped me in a hug. 

"I hope your flights go well, please text us when you land. I'm going to miss you so much, thank you for everything this summer." She said. When she pulled back she had tears in her eyes, which immediately made tears form in my own eyes. 

I was not expecting her to cry. 

"Oh god, please don't make me cry." I laughed. "I promise I will text you when I land. Thank you for everything this summer, seriously. You've done so much for me and I couldn't be more grateful. You're a wonderful sister and I'm super thankful that you're here to keep an eye on Callum while I'm away. I'm going to miss you a lot." I choked up at the end, shaking my head to try and keep the tears from falling. 

"Oh screw you, don't make me cry!" She laughed. 

Once Callum got all my bags out of the car and on the sidewalk, he closed the trunk and then pulled me into a tight hug. He didn't say anything at first, he just hugged me tightly. I fake coughed, he was hugging me almost as tight as he had when I first arrived home at the beginning of the summer. 

I almost made a joke about it, but instead I hugged him back just as tightly. He was about to pull away from me, but I held onto him as I actually started to cry. 

"Oh sis," he said as he held me for a couple extra minutes. "I'm going to miss you." 

I finally pulled back from him and wiped my eyes. "I'm going to miss you too." I sighed. "Thank you for convincing me to stay the entire summer. Even though I'm leaving a little early, I'm really glad that I stayed the entire time. It was really nice getting to spend so much time with you guys." 

Callum wiped a tear from his eyes and laughed. "I'm glad I was able to convince you. I'm sorry the summer didn't end the way you'd hoped, but I'm glad that you got to stay and hang out with us for as long as you did. I'm already looking at the calendar to see when we can make it over to see you." He smiled. 

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