22. Weird

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My eyes fluttered open at the sound of a knock on the bedroom door. I was dead asleep and didn't realize what was going on until I heard a voice from the other side of the door. 

"Sis! I'm back with the moving van, we're going to start bringing boxes out so we can get this done as quickly as we can!" I heard my brother's voice.


I rubbed my eyes and shifted to sit up when I felt a pair of arms around my waist. 


"Aves? You awake?" He called out, knocking again. 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 

"Sawyer, Sawyer wake up." I whispered in a slight panic, shoving his arms off of me. Sawyer shifted on the bed, groaning. "Shut up!" I whispered. 

Sawyer rubbed his tired eyes, looking at me with confusion. 

"Aves! Come on sis, I promise I'll buy you food later!" Callum groaned. 

Sawyer's eyes immediately widened after hearing my brother's voice on the other side of the door. We both knew we'd be helping them move today, we'd spent the last couple of days since they'd been back helping them pack up their things. Sawyer and I had agreed we'd either not share a room last night or we'd get up early enough to not have something like this happen, but here we were. 

"You have to move." I whispered to Sawyer. "Go... in the closet or something!" I shoved him again, his tired body not catching itself which landed him on the floor with a thud. 

"Avery, you okay?!" Callum questioned, his voice going from annoyed to concerned.

My eyes immediately moved to the door when the knob started twisting. My eyes widened in panic, throwing my legs over the bed. I stood up just as the door opened up, revealing my concerned brother. 

I stood by the bed, looking over at him as he stood in the open doorway. 

Fuck me. This is not how I wanted this day to start. 

"Did you just fall?" he asked. 

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Sawyer was lying on the ground by the bed and he was asking me about falling?

"Did you hit your head or something? Seriously, are you good?" He asked again, staring directly at me. 

"I'm good?" I said, confused. 

"Uhh, okay. Well anyway, I just got back with the moving van. We're going to start loading stuff into it. We shouldn't have to make too many trips, so I'm hoping it won't take all day. Hurry up and get dressed, I'm going to go make sure Sawyer is awake." His voice still held confusion and concern. But the second he mentioned getting Sawyer, I panicked.

"No!" I called out a little too quickly. "No, I just mean I can go get him. Go start carrying some of the heavier boxes upstairs so Dani and I don't have to." I tried to defuse my panicked state with the first excuse that I could think of to get Callum to walk downstairs. 

"Yeah sure, I'll do all the hard work by myself." He rolled his eyes. 

I folded my arms. "Do you want my help or not?" I asked, bringing out my annoying sister card because I knew he wouldn't question it.

"Jesus, okay. Just hurry up." He said before turning around and walking out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. When I heard his footsteps run down the steps, I climbed on the bed so I could peak on the other side. 

"Sawyer?" I asked, confused when I didn't see him. Sawyer poked his head out from under the bed, earning a small shriek from me. "Fuck!" I groaned. 

"Think he saw me?" He asked with a light chuckle. 

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