24. Hangovers

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Thump. Thump. Thump.

There was an uncomfortable pounding in my head before my eyes even forced themselves open. A sea of nerves and nausea swam in my stomach and the room spun as I slowly rolled onto my back. My arm stretched out to the side of the bed next to me, unintentionally feeling for another body. 

Instead of feeling a body next to me, all I felt was the cold, empty side of the mattress. I slowly turned my head so that I could confirm with my eyes that I was indeed alone in the bed. The second I saw the empty side of the bed, thoughts of the previous night came flooding back. I replayed bits of the conversation between the two of us, the words coming back before I could stop them. 

Oh so now you want to be nice to me. That's cool.

You've been mean to me all week!

I don't know what the fuck to do anymore.

Would you like me to call him and tell him to come back over so I can tell him I'm fucking his little sister?

The second the words from last night entered my brain and started to replay, I knew I was going to be sick. I forced myself out of bed, stumbling as I exited the bedroom. My body felt like it had been hit by a truck, the pounding in my head immediately getting ten times worse.

I started to head towards the upstairs bathroom but I heard the shower running which let me know that Sawyer was awake and in the shower. I covered my mouth with my hand and started down the steps as quickly as I could. I needed to make it to the bathroom before I got sick all over the floor.

I almost stumbled over the last couple of steps due to how quickly I was rushing down them. Luckily though I caught myself before accidentally giving myself any sort of injuries.

As soon as I was on the main level, I rushed into the half bath. I knew it was only a matter of seconds before I was throwing up all over the floor. The second I was in the bathroom, I was on my knees in front of the toilet throwing up all of the contents in my stomach.  My entire body shook, tears falling down my cheeks as I emptied my stomach into the toilet.

Tears from throwing up. Tears from exhaustion. Tears from fighting with Sawyer. 

I felt so sick and so overwhelmed. 

24 is off to a great start. 

I sat in front of the toilet for a while. Each time I thought I was done, I'd start coughing up more. I knew that my stomach was empty but my body was trying to get rid of more. It was starting to hurt, my brain was not working well enough to be able to tell my stomach that it was indeed empty and that it could relax. 

My arms rested on the rim of the toilet, my head resting on top of my arms. I knew it was disgusting but I didn't have time to think about it and I could barely keep my head up. 

I heard the sound of a knock on the open bathroom door. I lifted my gaze to see who was standing there even though I already knew who it was because there was no one else here. My tired, tear filled eyes immediately met Sawyer's.

What a sight to see for him. 

I hated the fact that he was seeing me like this. If things hadn't ended the way they did last night, I wouldn't care as much that he was seeing me hunched over the toilet. I wouldn't have cared because it simply would have been me getting sick because I had too much fun on my birthday, as one should. 

Instead, I was laying against the toilet in tears partially due to the alcohol and partially due to the anxiety I was feeling from the fight that we'd gotten into. 

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