10. Exes

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"Are you sure you don't want to stay any longer?" Dani asked her sister as she was grabbing her bag and standing up to head out for the night.

"I need to get Joseph from Dan, you know I'd stay if I could." Dani's sister, Rebecca, said with a sad smile. She gave her sister a hug and waved goodbye to me. "It was nice meeting you, Avery!" She hugged Dani again before walking out of the bar that we were currently at.

I looked at Dani, unable to hold back my laughter. "Your sister was married to a guy named Dan?"

Dani started laughing immediately. "You know, I said the same thing when she brought him home for the first time! He turned out to be a real dick though, I'm glad they aren't together anymore." She smiled.

"Are you mad she had to leave?" I asked. I felt bad that this was basically Dani's bachelorette party and her own sister was leaving early.

"Some Maid of Honor she is, right?" She joked. "No but I don't mind. I get it, but at least I still have you for the rest of the night!" She grinned.

I lifted my plastic cup up and tapped hers, the only difference was that mine had alcohol and hers didn't. "Cheers to that!"

I looked at Dani for a minute, smiling because I really did like her a lot. She was so good for my brother and I was so happy that they'd ended up together. "Dani, I'm really excited that I officially get to call you my sister in law soon. I knew I liked you from the very moment I met you."

Dani reached across the table, giving my hand a squeeze before saying, "I'm really happy to hear you say that because I'm really excited to call you my sister too. God, do you remember the first time we met?"

I nodded, remembering it like it was yesterday. There were parts of the night that I'd tried to block out, but as hard as I tried it never worked. I remember walking into my house, fully prepared to sit alone and cry for the rest of the night. But my brother wanted to surprise me and with him was Dani.

"I was coming home from prom, my idiot of a date dropped me off and you guys were in the living room." I smiled lightly.

"Were you as drunk as I remember crying over Callum surprising you??" She asked with a light laugh.

I sat back in the booth, taking a sip of my drink. "I had been drinking and I did cry, but it wasn't because of Callum. My date was a dick and.. it wasn't who I was supposed to go to prom with." I admitted.

Dani gave me a confused look, not quite understanding what I meant. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"I'd rather not go into details about my actual date. But Sawyer and I had talked about going together." I shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal, even though back then it was the biggest deal in the world.

"What!" She gasped. "But he'd already graduated? What do you mean?" She leaned forward so she could hear me better, but also because she was clearly interested in the details.

I laughed as I set my cup back down. "The summer before senior year, Sawyer had just come home from school. We ended up talking about prom and I said I didn't want to go. He made a huge deal out of it and told me that he would come home to take me if it meant I would go. Told me he'd find a way to ask and everything." I smiled thinking about the conversation. It was one of those conversations before things got weird between us.

"Okay and!? Why'd he not go with you? He brought a girl to your house that night, what the hell was that girl's name?" She said.

I couldn't help but laugh at her comment. "Britt." I said her name before I could explain what happened.

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