17. Coach

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Avery and I were standing off to the side of the counter, waiting on our coffee's to be ready for us to grab. I felt a weird sense of excitement that she was accompanying me to my game today. She'd mentioned to me that she'd liked watching me interact with the kids and I knew it would make her happy to watch it again today. Something about knowing that she was excited to watch the game and that she was happy to tag along, made me happy.

I'd overheard her on the phone last night talking to Larissa while I was upstairs. I didn't hear much of the conversation, but I did hear a small bit of it and I knew they were talking about me. Avery had been trying to keep her voice low and the volume on her phone was turned down, but her friend was loud even through the turned down volume. I heard a lot of I told you so's and I knew it's in a very short amount of time. I'd never met Larissa, but she didn't seem like the type Avery would normally be friends with so it was odd hearing things about her or listening to her talk to Avery. But I guess I didn't know Avery like I thought I did and she really is full of surprises. 

I hadn't wanted to eavesdrop for long, so I'd walked down the stairs and into the living room where Avery was lying on the couch. The second she'd seen me walk into the room, she said a quick call you later and hung up the phone. I tried to bug her into telling me why she hung up so fast because I didn't mind that she wanted to talk to her friend, but she insisted that it was fine and that she'd call her later. I knew it was because I'd walked into the room, so I let it go and pretended that I hadn't heard them talking about us.

My phone buzzing in my pocket broke me from my thoughts. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked down at it to see who was calling me. "Your brother is calling, mind if I step outside?" I glanced at her. 

She shook her head and gave me one of her perfect, soft smiles. "Go ahead, I'll wait for the coffee. Tell him I said hi!" 

I nodded and walked out of the coffee shop. I didn't want to be that annoying person on the phone while people were trying to enjoy their morning coffee. As soon as I walked outside, I answered the phone with a quick hello. 

"Hey man!" Callum's voice practically sang from the other end of the line. "How are things going? Just wanted to check in and make sure you and Aves haven't killed each other yet." He laughed. 

Oh if only you knew. 

I laughed. "We're both doing fine, no we haven't killed each other. We've actually been getting along quite nicely. Maybe you just need to leave us alone together more often." I half joked. 

"Damn, I leave for my honeymoon and my best friend has replaced me with my own sister. Ouch, dude." He joked right back. "But seriously, I'm glad that things are good. Is she doing okay? Seriously? I figured she'd be trying to find a way to get back to California the second we left." 

I ran my free hand through my hair before shaking my head, even though he couldn't see me. "I said I'd take care of her, didn't I? She's doing okay, I promise. She actually hasn't talked about going back early or anything, so don't worry she'll still be here when you get back." I said honestly.

I had promised Callum that I'd look after Avery while they were gone on their honeymoon because he always worries about her. However, I don't think what the two of us are doing together is what he meant by looking after her.

Callum breathed what seemed like a sigh of relief from the other end. "Okay good, you know I just worry about her. Thanks for letting her stay with you even while we're gone. Good news though, we heard back from the relator and we'll be moving into our place basically right after we get back, so you'll have the place back to yourself." 

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