6. Dresses

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I pulled back the curtain, stepping out to reveal the dress that I had on. I was truly exhausted, I'd been trying on dresses all morning and I was ready to be done. Dani and I had agreed that we didn't like anything that I brought home with me so we decided to do some shopping before going to Sawyer's soccer game. We were running out of time and I was praying we would agree on a dress soon.

"Oh my god, Avery! This is the one!" Dani squealed. "It's so pretty!" She pushed herself off of the chair and over to me, spinning me around so that I was facing the mirror.

"Jesus, am I getting married or are you?" I laughed. Her reaction was funny, she was really acting like we were wedding dress shopping for me when in reality, I was just trying to find a last minute dress for their wedding.

"Oh shut up and tell me you love this dress." She giggled.

I looked myself over, looking at the dress that I had on. It was a cream colored, satin dress that was covered in flowers or leaves or something in different shades of pink. It went down to my mid calf, with a slit on one side that went up to my thigh. It had a cowl neckline and a strappy back, which was probably my favorite part of the dress. It was really pretty.

"I do love it. But are you sure about the color? Aren't you not supposed to wear anything that is even remotely white to weddings?" I asked, looking back at her through the mirror.

Dani quickly shook her head. "There's enough pink in it that you really don't even notice the cream. I would consider this dress pink, please buy it. Plus it will look cute with the wedding colors!"

I turned to face her, confused as to why that mattered. "I'm not in the wedding party, why does It matter that it goes with the wedding colors?" I asked with a laugh.

Dani shook her head again, but this time in a way that told me she was hiding something from me. "It doesn't matter, it will just look cute."

"Dani, why are you being weird?" I asked.

She just shrugged.

"If you don't tell me, I'm not buying this dress." I folded my arms, giving her a look. Of course I didn't mean that, I was going to buy the dress regardless of whatever she was being weird about. But, I didn't know if she knew that.

"You're buying that dress. Now go take it off so we can pay for it. We've got a soccer game to go to." She shoved me back towards the dressing room, not giving into me. I rolled my eyes and walked into the dressing room, changing out of the dress and back into the outfit I had on earlier which consisted of a black jean skirt and an orange tee shirt tucked into it. I slipped my sandals back on and walked out of the dressing room again so that we could go check out.

I bought the dress and Dani and I headed off to where Sawyer said the game was.

"How does it feel to know that you're getting married in like... less than 3 weeks?" I asked, looking over at her.

Dani giggled. "It's pretty weird! But I'm so ready for it to finally be here. I feel like we've been planning everything for ages and I'm excited to see all the work pay off and to finally marry Callum. He's literally so sweet and just everything I could have ever asked for."

"Gross, that's my brother we're talking about." I joked. I honestly loved that Callum was marrying Dani. She was the sweetest person I'd ever met and I loved knowing that Callum was happy with her.

"Oh you think that's gross? Wait until you hear about what he did to me on---"

"Stop! Stop stop stop stop. I do not need to hear about my brother's sex life!" I interrupted, wanting to put a stop to the conversation before it actually got gross.

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