35. Love

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One month later

I followed Larissa through the busy building, people shouting around us directing others where to go and calling out names to get people's attention. Larissa was doing a shoot today and had managed to get me a makeup gig. Things had been a little slow since getting back to California, I wasn't trying to book as many clients as I had before. My mind was still a little all over the place, so it took me a while to get back into things. 

When I wasn't working or being forced out in public by Larissa, I'd spent most of the last month isolated in my room behind my laptop. Surprisingly, I'd done a lot of writing. I'd practically forced myself to get all of my thoughts out in hopes that it would help keep them out of my head. It didn't work most of the time, the thoughts were still racing around my head. But at least throughout all of this, a spark of creativity had been lit inside of me. 

"Larissa, you're getting ready with the rest of the girls over in Room B." Some lady that was walking by said to my best friend before pointing to the left. 

"Got it!" She cheered. We made a left and walked towards a door that said B in big red paint. 

When we walked inside the room, a couple other girls were inside getting their hair done. Larissa said hi to the girls and walked over to a chair that had her name on the back of it. I had no idea what this was even for, she hadn't told me anything about it. She just said that I was doing her makeup and maybe a couple other girls and that I would get more direction once I was there. 

I watched my best friend sit in the chair and look at me like she was hiding something. 

"What?" I asked. 

"So there's a couple things I didn't tell you about this gig." She said and smiled innocently at me. 

I rolled my eyes as I set my bag down. "What." 

"I'm sort of just in the background of this one, with the girls.." She started. 

"Okay?" I said, confused as to why that mattered. I didn't really care where she was going to be standing for this, that part didn't matter to me as I wasn't involved in any of the actual photographs. 

"Well, I sort of forgot to mention that Jamie is going to be here?" 

"Jesus Christ, Larissa. You're joking, right?" I huffed. 

"It's fine! I was talking to a friend of ours and she mentioned it to me, said that he was looking for a couple extra girls and since we already knew each other it was pretty easy to get me in on it." She said, telling me how she got the gig. 

I truly didn't care how she got it, I was just annoyed that she didn't tell me that my ex boyfriend would be here. I wasn't in the mood to deal with any of that, I didn't want to run into him and I definitely didn't want to hold any sort of conversation with him. 

"I'm hiding in here literally the whole time, I don't want to talk to him." I said with a sigh. 

Larissa looked up at me, I couldn't tell if she looked apologetic or not. "You're not hiding in here! I want you to watch it, you've never come to anything with me before and it's really fun! He'll be so busy with the shoot that he won't even see you and if he tries to talk to you after, then I'll tell him to go away. I promise." 

I rolled my eyes again, still irritated. "I'll think about it. Anything else you decided not to tell me today?" I asked, hoping that she had no more surprises for me.

 She opened her mouth to speak when a lady with a clipboard walked up to us and said her name, grabbing her attention. 

"Is this Avery?" She said and looked at me. 

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