5. Schedule

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"Coach! Think we're gonna win on Saturday?" One of the kids on the team, Matthew, asked me as he was zipping up his bag.

"Do you think we're going to win on Saturday?" I asked him in return.

"Definitely!" He grinned up at me.

I chuckled and nodded. "Then we're going to win. Good job today."

"Thanks coach! See you on Saturday!" He picked up his bag and ran off to his mom.

I waited until everyone was picked up before I headed to my car. I threw my own bag in the back and climbed into the drivers side. I started the car and pulled my phone out of my pocket, seeing a text from my dad.

Dad- I know you've got a lot going on. Can you make time for dinner sometime soon?
Me- Yeah, sure. Let me figure out a day and I'll call you later.
Dad- Mom misses the house.

I ran a hand through my hair, sighing.

Me- We can have dinner at the house then.
Dad- Call me later with the day.

I tossed my phone into the passenger seat before backing out of the spot I was in. My head was all over the place and I'd never felt the way that I was feeling right now.

My mom wasn't doing well at all, every time my dad unexpectedly asked to set up dinner it meant something happened or something changed, but never in a good way. I almost wanted to tell them that I couldn't have dinner with them because I didn't want to see what she looked like or how much worse she'd gotten.

I love Callum, but I wished that I had the place to myself. I didn't want to ruin his wedding planning or his good moods by talking about depressing shit. I was constantly surrounded by the happiness of two people about to get married and all I wanted to do was sit at home by myself to just give myself a chance to feel sad or frustrated by my own situation.

And to make matters worse, Avery's got my mind even more fucked up than it already was before she got here. I don't see her in 3 years and the first time I lay eyes on her, she's wearing a fucking tee shirt. She walked into my old bedroom in nothing but a tee shirt that barely covered her ass.

I don't know how to be normal around her. How am I supposed to treat her like my best friend's little sister when I can't stop thinking about taking her up to my old bedroom and fucking her brains out? So now I'm just being a dick, I know I am and I feel bad. I don't know how to joke around with her anymore, I don't even know who she is. So everything I mean to come out as a joke has not come out that way and I can see the immediate hurt on her face at each stupid thing I've said to her so far, but I can't stop saying stupid things.

I fucking told her I liked her in the tee shirt the day after she got to my house. I was so caught up in seeing what she looked like after 3 years that I almost forgot who she was. When I realized what I was doing, it's all been downhill since and it's been less than a week of her being back. I needed to really get my shit together if I was supposed to spend the entire summer with her. Especially if she was going to be staying in my house for three months.

I finally pulled into my driveway, thankful I was able to give myself a break from my own head. I didn't see Callum or Dani's car, but that didn't mean Avery wasn't home. I had no idea if she'd gone out with anyone or not. I shut the door to my Jeep after I got out and made my way to the front door. It was unlocked, letting me know that Avery was in fact home.

I kicked off my shoes by the door and immediately went to the stairs so I could go change. I reached the top of the steps just in time for the bathroom door to swing open, revealing Avery with a blue towel wrapped around her body and steam coming from the bathroom behind her.

"Fuck me," She gasped when she saw me standing at the top of the steps.

Fuck me is right.

"You shouldn't shower with the front door unlocked. You never know who might want to come into your house." I stated, my eyes never leaving her.

I watched as she tightened the towel around her just slightly. "It's a pretty safe neighborhood if I recall correctly.. didn't think I had anything to worry about.." Her voice was quiet, like she wasn't sure how to respond. It was probably due to the fact that she didn't know how I would respond.

"Fair point. I do have to ask though, do you always walk around other peoples houses in little to no clothes?" I asked, reminding her that this wasn't actually her house and this was now the second time she's left very little to my imagination.

She shifted on her feet, uncomfortable at my question so I added in, "I'm definitely not mad about it, simply curious. Trying to figure out if this will be a normal occurrence all summer."

I watched as the redness spread across her cheeks as she listened to what I had to say.

I could make her other cheeks just as red if she wanted me too.

Jesus, so not the time.

"I didn't know when you'd be home. Both times, actually." She answered honestly.

I nodded. "Do me a favor? Don't start keeping track of my schedule. I like these little run ins." I grinned before walking into my bedroom, not giving her a chance to respond.

I heard her practically running to the other bedroom and shutting the door behind her. I sat down on my bed and let out a small groan. It was things like that that made me question literally everything.

I was giving myself whip lash with these interactions. One minute, I was accidentally hurting her feelings by telling her I had no reason to be jealous of her ex boyfriend. The next minute, I was flirting with her and basically telling her to continue walking around myself with little to no clothes on. 

It was already frustrating. 

Avery had become seriously hot since the last time I saw her. Honestly, it started after she graduated. It was little things that she did that made me start noticing her a little more. She lost her braces, her clothing changed a little bit, her confidence increased a bit with college. 

But whatever California did to her? It was like meeting her for the very first time. She was no longer someone's little sister. She was a woman and a woman that I wanted nothing more than to bury my cock inside of for days on end.

This was going to be the longest most confusing summer of my entire life. I needed to get it together if I was going to survive the next three months with her in my house. She was Callum's little sister and I needed to keep reminding myself of that. 

No matter how hot she'd become, she was my best friend's little sister and I needed to keep that line drawn as best as I could. 

Fuck me is definitely right, Ave.

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