9. Prom

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5 years earlier

What a disaster of a night.

My arms were folded as I looked out the window of Jake Kellers Audi. I didn't even want to go to the dance. It's not that I thought that Sawyer would come to the prom with me, but the way that I felt when he told me he wasn't going to be able to come home was surprising. I was disappointed and I absolutely hated that I felt that way. There was no reason for me to feel disappointed, it's not like we were dating. I was pretty sure I heard from Callum that he'd been seeing someone anyway, so he had literally zero obligations to me. Jake asked me to go with him a couple weeks ago and instead of being an ass and saying no, I decided that I'd suck it up and go with him.

I should have been an ass and said no.

I spent the entire morning trying to get myself ready, doing my own hair and makeup. I was pretty impressed with myself by the time I was finished. I wasn't one for doing makeup, but everything turned out really nice. My dad had taken me shopping to pick out a dress. I picked out a beautiful purple dress that had a deep v cut and a little poof at the bottom, with a slit up one of my legs. I'd never felt so beautiful in my entire life when I'd finished getting ready.

Jake was late picking me up, which should have been the first red flag of the evening. I decided that it was fine and I'd cut him some slack, thinking he got busy with getting ready or something. The second red flag should have been dinner, he practically ignored me the entire time. I had no idea why he'd even asked me to come with him. I spent the entire dinner wondering if he'd done it out of pity or if he'd done it as a joke. He talked to his friends the entire time, I only engaged in conversation a couple of times the entire dinner.

The third red flag was at the actual dance. He'd brought a flask with him and practically made me take a drink out of it before forcing me onto the dance floor with him. I tried to tell him that I didn't feel like dancing, but he told me to loosen up and have fun. He held my hips and was practically moving them against the front of him for me the entire time. Each time a slow song would come on, he'd tell me that he had to go to the bathroom or that he wanted to take a break. By the end of the dance, we'd finished the flask. I was more than sure I'd drank more than he did and for someone who didn't drink, I was feeling the effects of it.

The fourth and final red flag was in the car after the dance. He'd mentioned wanting to go to an after party, but I didn't want to go. He told me it would be fun, I told him I wanted to go home. He asked me if he could at least kiss me before he took me home. He told me it was all he'd been thinking about all night. I agreed, figuring it was one kiss and it was Jake Keller, I'd heard he was a good kisser. When he leaned over the middle of the car to kiss me, it started off gentle but quickly turned into more than what I wanted. His hand was on my boob, squeezing it before I could push him away.

"Jake, stop." I mumbled against his lips that refused to part with mine. I shoved him a bit, trying to push him back into the drivers seat of his car. He moved my hands out of the way with his free hand, giving my boob another squeeze before it shoved it's way under my dress.

"Jake, I said stop!" I cried when he moved his lips away from mine, pressing them against my neck instead. "I said no!" I was starting to panic, my chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. He let his hand slip, releasing my two hands from his grip. I used all the strength I had to push his chest so he'd fall back into the other side of the car. "I said no." I whispered, tears pricking my eyes.

Jake looked at me and I hated the look on his face. "Guess it's still true, it's still impossible to get with Little Avery Jones." He muttered.

I folded my arms over my chest, wanting to cover myself up. "What the hell are you talking about?" I practically spit at him.

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