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How Do You Manage To Keep
So Much Depth In Your Eyes.
Every Time I Fall In It,
I See The Unsaid Words Hidden.
I Feel As If They Will Come Out
But I'm Clueless When.
Sometimes I Love Them,
And Sometimes It Frightens Me.
Sometimes I Can See An Angel,
And In No Time A Divine Devil Too.
What Are You?
An Open Book,
Or A Grave Of Secrets.

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"Yah! What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" A voice came out from the right side of the hall.


Everyone turned towards the right side from where the voice came. Looking for that specific person to whom the voice belonged.

It was a girl.

Everyone started whispering things to each other while looking towards her. She was not alone she was with two people,seems like her friends.

When the girl came in view everyone in the hall became silent, like she was a very special person here and everyone seems to be so much into her.

Many looked surprised by seeing her here and others looked excited for that same reason, by seeing her here.
Seems like she really is someone special here.

She already looks like she is from a wealthy family. And her friends too.

"Oh Y/n! What are you doing here?"
That boy asked her.
He himself looked a bit taken back by her presence.

Like he wasn't expecting her here, or maybe he wasn't expecting her to see his actions. To see what he was doing.

"I think YOU should be the one answering this, and most importantly what are you doing with him?" She asked him back while glancing towards me once.

"Umm.. It's not what it looks like!
Y/n you are taking me wrong" He said defending himself and his actions.

"Oh so you think I'm blind? Do you think I can't see why soo many people are here instead of cafeteria, or do you think I can't see... The tears in his eyes?" She let out loudly while looking into my teary eyes.

When she said that I felt something strange... Like she was someone, someone different from the others like the moon in the sky, like the Sweet between bitters.

That she didn't judged me like any other, that she didn't made fun of me like the ways others were doing. That she is here defending and helping me when no one did.

That she didn't found me awful like others do.

I was just staring at her, Y/n...thats what's her name is right?

"Y/n it's noth-" Before that boy could say something in his defense she said.
"Leave!" Her words didn't sounded like a request but an order.
Order for him to leave, from here.

"What?" He again asked as he couldn't believe what he just heard.
"I said fucking leave from here Park Haneul" She shouted at him this time.

Just by looking at his face it seems like he felt Embarrassed. He gave me a last glare and left the place in an instance. His friends followed him from behind leaving the place too.

"Now do I need to say the same to all of you specifically?" She let out loudly while looking towards everyone standing in the hall.

Everyone started to leave the scene quickly. And within few minutes the hall got almost empty with just few people left minding their own business.

But I was still staring at her... She is,

I wonder, Who is she?
As much as I know we don't know each other, but still she helped me. Does that mean that even if people who are rich doesn't mean they are bad.

That not every rich person is as mean as others. That few people like her are rich but they are kind too.

Kind with people like me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.
As I came out of my thoughts.
She was in front of me bending down on the floor at my level. Staring in my eyes attentively.

"Y-yes" I quickly replied her back.
I don't know why I stuttered maybe because my cheek still hurts from the slap. Or maybe her closeness, which I wasn't used to, who know.

She extended her hand towards me to take and stand up. And I took it willingly.
And we stood face to face with each other. Staring at each other's eyes.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" She asked while looking and scaning me from top to bottom.
"No" I desperately said back. I don't know why but maybe I don't want to show her that how hurt I'm actually.

"Well it doesn't seems the same" She said while pointing towards my red cheek.
"No. It doesn't hurt anymore" I said trying to make her believe at my words.

"You know you don't need to lie even if it hurts, I won't make fun of you" She let out those melting words through her eyes were cold. As if she knows.

She knows that it hurts. Bad.

"Thank you for helping me" I said quickly before I actually forget to thank her for helping me.

"Taehyung what happened? Are you oka-" A voice came out from the back and We looked towards the direction. It was Jimin.

But it looked like he stopped in between his words. By looking towards us. Like he wasn't expecting me like this or maybe... He wasn't expecting her here.

Her, Standing with me, talking to me,
Her... Engaging with someone like me.

He came to us and stood in front of us.
"Okay then. I think I should go... Taehyung? That's what he called you right" She asked while pointing towards Jimin.

And she took some steps backwards towards her those two friends who were still standing there looking at the whole situation silently.

She and her friends exchanged few words with each other and left towards the cafeteria.

I was still looking at her disappearing figure when Jimin put his hand on my shoulder. Making me divert my attention towards him.

"Bro! Do you even know who the fuck is she?!" Jimin shouted at my face.

-To Be Continued.

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- Author Gloss

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