CHAPTER 20 | Official

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I'll Never Let You Forget,
That Between My Hello
And Goodbye,
There was Love,
So Much Love,
For You.

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"You know, you didn't have to do this" Y/n said while looking forward to the road.
"I wanted to" I replied simply but in a bit hesitation. We both were halfway to her house, the rain has already stopped few minutes back but the weather became all cold and I just thought it would be better if I just give her company to her way home.

I'm still feeling goosebumps with whatever happened today. I slowly turned my gaze to my left shoulder and looked at her, she is all calm like always, Like nothing happened. I can sense her peacefully breathing.

I still can't get used to the thought that now she knows, she knows what I feel for her, she knows that she makes my heartbeat go faster.

She knows, that I'm in love with her.

"What are you staring at?" She asked all of a sudden making me come out of my thoughts. Simply she caught me staring at her.
"N-nothing" I stuttered as I looked to the front again, but hearing my answer she looked at my way, but sensing her eyes on me I could say that she wanted to say something but she didn't, nor I asked, like I wasn't embarrassed enough already.

Her steps slowed and I did the same, figuring out that we have reached our destination. I looked towards the house which she called her home, and to my surprise it was not too big like the way I was expecting it to be, like some sort of mansion. Even the model wasn't so moderate but looked all elegant and simple.

Surely Can be called a "Home Sweet Home".

"I live alone, so I just figured out I don't need too much of a big place to live in" She explained like she knew what I was thinking.
"But it's not even that small, I mean it's still big enough for a middle class family to live in, also it's quiet sober and elegant" This time I expressed my thoughts.
"I may not look like that but I'm  more into simple and elegant things" When she said that my heart secretly smiled, she's such a unique piece of art.
"Do you wanna come in?" She asked.
"Umm.. M-maybe some other day would work, I just need to get back home before Jimin arrive" I answered sincerely and she just nodded at my answer.

"Take the umbrella with yourself in case it started raining again" She let out while she looked around as it's still looked like it can rain again.
"Thank you, I'll surely return it to you tomorrow" I answered while rubbing the back of my neck.
"Okay then see you tomorrow" She turned her heels towards her house as she moved to leave.

"N-noona?!" I stopped her.
"Hmm?" She stopped and tuned around towards me again. I still need an answer and if I didn't get it I won't be able to sleep tonight.
"Are we- are we a thing now? I mean are you really my- my g-girlfriend now?" I stuttered alot as I asked her. But, to my surprise she wasn't taken a back even a bit, she was still as calm as before.

I know this sounds stupid to ask her but I can't help it, it's all feels like a dream. I need to make sure that I wasn't dreaming, I need to overcome this fear that today's all events were true, that we are actually a thing now.

I waited to receive an answer from her but she didn't said anything, all I could hear is the wind around. When I looked up to her eyes, just making sure that she heard what I said, but, the moment our eyes met her eyes somewhat softened.

She moved her heels closure to me, but my heartbeat increased when her steps didn't stopped and she came much forward then she always do, her arms let go of her bag that hung losely over her right shoulder and moved them closure to my shoulders.
My heartbeat suddenly stopped when the distance between us vanished as she took me in her embrace.

My eyes slowly widening realising what's happening, that right at this moment I'm in her arms, in her embrace, in her warmth.

Her left hand hold me tightly while the right one moved from my shoulder to the back of my head as she slowly caressed my hairs.
"I'm, I'm your girlfriend as long as you want me to be" She lowly whispered into my ear.

Hearing her words I felt my cheeks and ears burning as I slowly gained some courage and pulled my shaky hands up and hugged her waist, tightly while nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck, feeling her sweet scent lingering into my nose.

We stood there for a good amount of time giving us the full opportunity to feel each other's warmth. A small shy smile on my lips,
"Thank you Noona, For accepting me" I said my inner thoughts.
"And Thank you for showing the courage to confess" She replied.

After feeling satisfied enough we slowly broke the hug to face each other again. When her eyes met mine  again I knew, that all this isn't a dream. Everything happened was real, from the confession to the hug, every single thing.

"Can you give me your phone?" She asked out.
"Sure" I simply said as I took my phone out of my pants pocket and handled it to her. She started to type something up and her own phone started to ring. It is a call but when I looked closely it showed my own number reflecting on her screen.

"Here, save it you will need this" She answered as she handled me my phone back, while I was still looking into hers. After taking my phone back from her hands I looked into it and I can see a number which I can simply tell was hers.

I saved her number and put my phone back into my pocket while looked at her again giving her a sweet smile, which I figured out she needed after a hectic day at university.
"Thank you again" I sweetly said.

She just nodded as again she turned around ready to leave and this time I didn't stopped her, after all I've got my answer. I know now what she said was true, everything was true. Even whatever happened right now is the sole witness of it.

I adorably saw her back as she moved towards her house, while I stood there watching her, feeling her warmth still into my body, her soft touch, her scent still lingering into my nose.

We're finally, Official.

-To be Continued.

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- Author Gloss

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