CHAPTER 24 | Someone

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Even If You Kill Me,
With A Knife
Or By Your Love,
I'll Still Apologise To You
For The Sprinkle Of My Blood,
On Your Clothes, That You Caused.

Even If You Kill Me,With A Knife Or By Your Love,I'll Still Apologise To YouFor The Sprinkle Of My Blood,On Your Clothes, That You Caused

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[ Y/N POV ]

No matter how much I deny but it won't change the fact that Taehyung have never felt the feeling of calling someone his, when Jimin first told me about him, it was kinda hard to believe that this innocent boy doesn't have anyone.

And it's the saddest part.

As soon as we reached, I turned towards him who was already staring at me with a small smile on his face.
"Taehyung... you said you want a place where you can live with someone you love-" my words got cut off in the middle by him.
"That's you!" He said.
"Huh? What?" I asked, still not getting what he meant.
"I said that's you, the person I wanna live with, one day" he let out straightforwardly.

A small smile crept on my face unknowingly.
"Then come" I said as I extended my right hand towards him, he looked at my hand with confusion but still took it nevertheless. I wrapped my fingers around his hand tightly as I pulled him towards my house.

I quickly opened the door by a spare key that I have as I still need to get the key back from Jimin. As the door opened I pulled Taehyung inside the house but his steps suddenly halted in between making me stop too, I turned back towards his direction in confusion,
"Noona, what are you trying to do?" He asked me in confusion.

"You said you wanna live with me someday... and today is that day!" I indicated my words towards his.
"W-what?" He still didn't got my words.
"You're going to live with me... from today onwards" I again replied.

"But Noon-" I cut his words in middle.
"You once told me you can't live at Jimin's place forever and you are looking for a place, also you just said you wanna live with me someday... then come" I tried my best for him to understand.
"But Noona thats-" He again tried to stop me and I again stopped him in between,
"You don't wanna live with me?" I asked as his eyes slowly widened hearing me.
"NO!! That's not what I meant" He quickly defended himself.

"Then what?" I whispered as I slowly took steps closer to him.
"I-I d-don't wanna be a burden on you" he finally expressed his worry, my eyes slowly melted hearing him.

I let out a breath and softly but slowly put my right hand on his left cheek as my other hand held his hand tightly. Slowly caressing his cheek I looked in his eyes and saw him staring back at me with his beautiful shimmery eyes. His breathe slow just like mine as I gave him a small smile in assurance.
"You'll never be a burden on me".

For a minute there was just slow breathing and silence but he with his shaking hands held mine slowly which was still resting on his cheek and took it in his, pulling my hand around his shoulder as he left my hand and wrapped his still shaking hand around my waist slowly but tightly.

His other hand which I was holding broke it's hold as he wrapped it around me as well, holding me tightly by my waist and hiding his face in the crook of my neck so no one could see him weak and vulnerable, he whimpered.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and held him tightly in my embrace, assuring him that what I'm doing is out of love and not sympathy. He needs to understand that not everyone in this world see him with Sympathetic eyes, Some see him with Love filled eyes, cause they love him nevertheless.

He slowly pulled out, as his eyes were lowered and couldn't meet mine.
"Taehyung" I called him out as he finally looked up towards my eyes and held a soft eye contact.
"Should we go in, then?" I asked as he slowly smiled at me and nodded his head.

Giving him a big smile this time I pulled him inside, locking the door from inside we turned towards the living room where his bags must be, thanks to Jimin.
"My bags are here already!?" He asked with confused eyes.
"Seems like your bags were too excited that they came here even before their owner could come" I joked out simply.

He chuckled hearing Me,
"But how?" He asked anyways.
"Jimin helped me out" I answered.
"He knew about this! Wait, you planned all this?" He questioned.
"Yup" I let out casually.
"Like You knew i would have said yes, what If I didn't?" he asked again.

"Then maybe I would have just forced you to do so" I taunted.
"Really?" He laughed out.
"Yup and I might have broke up with you as well" I added.
"Oh! So that means you would have broke up with me if I have denied to live with you, isn't it?" He asked to make sure.

This time I let out a chuckle at his foolish words. He really took my words that way? He needs to know that he is not just someone I would let go that easily. He isn't someone I allowed to come in my life just to walk away that easily.
"Tell me, please?" He asked.

He isn't just SOMEONE to me, and he should know it.

"If you really wanna know then"
I let out a big sigh and Continued,
"I wouldn't have broke up with you if you have denied to live with me but... I would have broke up with you if you have refused to make me your family, if you have refused to be a part of me, if you have refused to hold my hand in your journey and walk alone... if you have refused to let me love you."

- To Be Continued.

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- Author Gloss

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