CHAPTER 25 | Tae

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"To Turn Someone Down,
And To Be Turned Down By Someone.
To Be Hurt By someone,
And To Hurt Someone.
A Love Where No One Gets Hurt,
Doesn't Exist"

 A Love Where No One Gets Hurt,Doesn't Exist"

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"If you really wanna know then"
I let out a big sigh and Continued,
"I wouldn't have broke up with you if you have denied to live with me but... I would have broke up with you if you have refused to make me your family, if you have refused to be a part of me, if you have refused to hold my hand in your journey and walk alone... if you have refused to let me love you."

My heart skipped when I heard her.

Did she mean what she just said? Have we been that close already for her to say something like this? To Be honest... I don't know but it feels good, Hearing something like this from her. My heart was beating fast and loud, That I'm scared she might hear it.

"Noona I didn't mean it that way" I tried my best to be honest and to not stutter but she kept looking at me in the eyes without saying anything.
"I know, I'm just... saying" she finally replied and broke the eye contact. She turned towards my bags as I did the same and followed her upstairs quietly.

There were just two rooms upstairs which came in my view.
"This one is yours" she said as we stopped infront of one room.
"And That one is mine, simply I'm always beside you" she lightly joked as a small smile formed on my face.


"Taehyung!! Come down, its time for dinner" she called out for me from downstairs as I came out after taking a shower. I totally forgot it's time for dinner, never knew time will fly this fast with her, It feels like just few minutes when it already has been hours since i came.

I came down and walked into the kitchen following the delicious and savory smell of the food.
"Woah, these many dishes?" I asked her as the dining table was full of different dishes.
"Just a small celebration for your welcome, i can do that right?" She smiled at me.

I never received this sort of special treatment, is this how it feels like when you get to eat food made by someone specially for you? I don't know if Noona always do this whenever someone comes to her place or If it's just for me but I'll enjoy and appreciate every single  moment and effort made by her.

After all that's what family do, right?

She asked me to sit onto one of the chairs while she removed her apron. I sat down and looked at the dishes with keen interest. I want to taste every dish she made and praise her for her hard work.

She came towards me as she served the food in plates for herself as well as for me to eat.
"Try it" she moved the plate closer to me to taste. I took the chopsticks from the side and taste the first bite while She was looking at my face with desperate and keen eyes, waiting for me to answer.
"It's delicious" I replied while my eyes widened a bit to the fact that I was confident that she can make delicious food but this delicious, gosh.

She chuckled at my reply and sat herself down on the chair infront of mine and started to eat, As I expected all the dishes were too good and I couldn't help myself but to praise her.After the dinner was done I tried my best to help her clear the kitchen, even tho she didn't let me do the dishes.

We came to the living room after we were done with the work, Y/n turned on the television as we sat on the couch beside each other. She put a random movie to watch but we both knew none of us was interested in watching the movie but wanted to spend some time together.

The movie was going on and I was trying my best to focus on the movie.
"Taehyung" she called me.
"Yes?" I replied.
"I've to ask you something, If you don't mind" she looked down on her plate as she said that.

"What is it?" I asked.
"Ahh, will you be alright if I call you..." she stopped in between and looked at me.
"Call Me what?" I was desperate to hear her.
"Tae" she called me out with a name no one have ever used to call me before.

"Can I call you that?" She asked as that name did something to me, or maybe it was her who called me with that name which did something to me, who knows.

But, I was sure when she called me like that my heart smiled.
"Yes, Please" I breathe out.

- To Be Continued.

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"Don't Be Trapped In Someone Else's Dream"
- Kim Taehyung



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- Author Gloss

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